Help Kurtis in his fight against Cancer

$20,630 of $20,000 goal
Given by 247 generous donors in around 3 months

Kurtis was diagnosed in 2013 with testicular Cancer. Please help him in his fight to win and live a long healthy life.


In November 2013 my partner was diagnosed with stage 3 testicular cancer. This led him to having to immediately stop working and start 2 months of chemotherapy. From there Kurtis has had to go through surgeries followed by more chemotherapy. Following the first lot of chemotherapy and surgeries the cancer showed signs of being defeated however later blood test had showed that the cancer reoccurred. This leading the doctors to pursue the option of high dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplant followed by more surgery.

After having gone through the high dose chemotherapy, transplant and surgery, Kurtis and I were told in late December 2014 that the treatment had not worked and the cancer was still present in his body. The prognosis following the bad news was that the doctors had explored nearly all the options available to them and that there was not much chance of them winning the battle and that Kurtis’ life expectancy was estimated to last only months.

This has then made us explore what other options were available to Kurtis in the hope of one day being cured. We found intravenous (I.V) vitamin C. Intravenous vitamin C in short is an alternative treatment that is given through an intravenous line directly in to the vein allowing the body to consume a high levels of vitamin C that works in our bodies at a cellular level as a powerful antioxidant and a vital co-factor for some key enzymes. Research has found that significant doses of Vitamin C seem to help people improve their quality of life and deal with some health conditions- including cancer. Studies suggest that these higher levels of vitamin C may cause the death of cancer cells as shown in lab studies.

This is where we would like to kindly ask for your help as the cost of I.V vitamin C can be very expensive. I.V vitamin C starts at $150 and then as the level increases up to therapeutic level, sessions can cost up to $250 per dose. It has been recommended to us that two sessions per week would be the ideal minimum. Along with the vitamin c therapy Kurtis has to have 3-4 weekly doctor’s visits costing $70 per 15 minutes a visit and further blood testing with various charges.

Kurtis is not solely relying on this treatment as he has also taken to steps to help increase his chances of survival by complimenting the vitamin c treatment with a change in lifestyle. Including changing to an organic vegetarian diet, drinking alkaline water, meditation to reduce stress, light exercise, as a well as taking the suggested vitamins to help compliment the I.V vitamin c.

Kurtis is a true fighter and is not allowing the news to affect him in his plans of living life. Kurtis plans on returning back to work once fully recovered from the last surgery in November 2014. This will not only help us financially but to return to the work he loves doing in helping others as a personal trainer (and if he has his way he would love to be back playing rugby).

Kurtis is a very loving and caring person as shown by his commitment to me, our families, his friends and those people he has helped in his line of work. So I would like to take this opportunity to ask that if you could help support us in any way to getting Kurtis back to full health so that he may continue in his ambition of helping others.

Melissa Ewins' involvement (page creator)

Kurtis is my partner of 3 years and he has been so caring, supportive and loving through our relationship and now it is my turn to help support him in his journey to gaining full health. I also know how challenging it has been for some of our friends and families finding ways support him along the journey, as he can be quiet stubborn in asking for help when he is so willing to help others. So I thought this would be a great way that can and will help us on his journey to recovery.

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Latest update

15March update  15 March 2015

Hi all,

Wow we reached our target goal!! Totally unbelievable!!

When Mel and I started up this page we had no idea how successful it would be, and to be honest we thought we were pushing it a bit with the target goal!!

Everyone's support whether it be via donations, time given etc has been overwhelming and very, very much appreciated!!

It all has contributed to me feeling better and better each day.

Once again Mel, myself and my whanau appreciate everything you all have contributed towards my better health!!

Thank you so much!!

Please follow my progress on facebook at

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Julia on 26 Mar 2015
Thinking of you guys xox
Kylie & Rich Middleton
Kylie & Rich Middleton on 16 Mar 2015
We wish you all the best Kurtis!!
Hanna on 16 Mar 2015
The best wishes from the other side of the world. Keep fighting!
Melissa Ewins

Hey Hanna, thank you so much for your kind donation!! We are here waiting for you to come over whenever you like!! Hope you are well Thank you Melissa and Kurtis

Melissa Ewins
Des & the Strengthtech crew
Des & the Strengthtech crew on 14 Mar 2015
Hey bro thank you for being a positive influence in our lives, stay positive and recover well.
Melissa Ewins

Hey Des and the Strength Tech crew, thank you so much for all donating to my cause you are all awesome!! Shot Des for doing your burpess!! Starting to sweat just thinking about watching you haha. Thank you all so much Kurtis

Melissa Ewins
Samm #strenthtech
Samm #strenthtech on 13 Mar 2015
Des Fuiono told us (strenthtech trainees) of your terrible news Kurtis, so i would love to give a little, and also give 50 burpees for Des to do tomorrow morning for his Burpee challenge. :) Sending all my best wishes to you Kurtis. You can beat this! Best regards, Samm. X
Melissa Ewins

Hi Samm, thank you so much for your donation/ revenge on Des haha. Your donation is very much appreciated!! Thank you Kurtis

Melissa Ewins

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Paying to a verified bank account of Kurtis Jones
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This campaign started on 13 Jan 2015 and ended on 24 Apr 2015.