To be there for my little girl

$6,845 donated
Given by 158 generous donors in around 6 months

Working full time is not a curse, in my situation it is, my little girl needs heart surgery, I can't be there because I need to provide


If I can raise enough money, I can take unpaid time off work, keeping my job but at the same time being able to be there for Noa (born 30th June) and Danielle.

So, where do I begin. My name is Joshua, my partners name is Danielle we're both 23 years old. We knew Noa had Down Syndrome from week 14 of our pregnancy via CVS done at Wellington hospital, Danielle and I decided we wanted our baby regardless of pressures from others to terminate. We did all the research, watched all the videos and thought we knew everything we could about DS, including the health complications that can come with it. We had monthly scans held in the MFM unit of the Wellington Hospital and according to them we had nothing to worry about, she was growing fine and she was healthy, on Friday the 10th of July we discovered this was not the case, Noa has a hole in her heart. We know that this is common in babies with Down Syndrome but never thought (because of our many scans) this would happen to us. Now here in lies the problem, I'm at work full time, we're on a solo income, if I take any time off I'm not entitled to any paid leave through my job (as I've only been there 5 months), IRD or work and income. I want to be there for Noa and for Danielle but my current situation would mean if I was to take time off, I'd fall behind on all of our bills, so please from the bottom of my heart, I ask you to look for the goodness in your heart, so I can be with my little girl when the doctors fix hers. Any surplus funds received will be going toward Noa's future education and development, we will also be donating to these charities and organisations, Ronald McDonald House, the NZ Down Syndrome Association and Heart Kids NZ, for their amazing help and support through this time. I will be eternally grateful, please help. #NoasDad

Joshua Matthews' involvement (page creator)

I'm Noa's father, I'm already back at work in Masterton while Noa and Danielle are in Wellington NICU unit, I can't take time off lest I let the bills spiral out of control, I want to be there but I have no choice.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2015
Hannahbell on 07 Aug 2015
You have a beautiful family. A strong family. Love you all.
Denise and Alan
Denise and Alan on 06 Aug 2015
Joshua ,Danielle and your precious Noa. Bless you both for choosing life for your baby. We hope all goes well and we will be praying for you all ! Good luck for the future
Southward Family
Southward Family on 30 Jul 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jul 2015

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Joshua Matthews
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This campaign started on 13 Jul 2015 and ended on 28 Dec 2015.