Onehunga Youth Trust

$370 of $5,000 goal
Given by 6 generous donors in 2 years

The Onehunga Youth Trust is here to support students entering a pathway into tertiary studies.


We’re a little-known Onehunga-based youth trust, that grants scholarships to students at two local high schools, with the mission of making a significant impact on young people’s lives.

The 36 year-old Onehunga Youth Trust, is described by one of our founding members, Greg Woodcock, as “low key” – but its influence on people’s lives is just the opposite. In the early 90’s we funded youth and social workers to engage and support the youth of Onehunga. When this role was filled by other agencies, we then started to fund items for low-income families, such as school uniforms and course books.

The trust has since grown and now provides scholarships to one student per year. We alternate between Onehunga High School and One Tree Hill College, which are the schools in the original Onehunga and One Tree Hill boroughs.

The trust, which has awarded 25 scholarships over the years and we are looking for support from business and individuals to ensure we can continue to make a difference in students lives.

Board of Trustees:

Greg Woodcock - Trustee

Amanda Wellgreen - Trustee

Doreen Wakefield - Secretary

Roger Drake - Treasurer

Carrie Dressler - Chairperson

About us

The Onehunga Youth Trust is here to support students entering a pathway into tertiary studies. Persons eligible to apply under the Trust Deed are students currently enrolled at either Onehunga High School or One Tree Hill College.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to cover payment of course fees, for full time study, at a Tertiary Institution for an annual amount not exceeding $1500.00 for a period of 3 years.

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Latest donations

Greg on 03 Sep 2020
Keep Up The Great Work
Scott on 31 Aug 2020
Shane on 30 Aug 2020
Onehunga Youth Trust

Thank you so much Shane for your generous donation to the Onehunga Youth Trust. We really appreciate your support. Best, Carrie :)

Onehunga Youth Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Aug 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Aug 2020

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Onehunga Youth Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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This campaign started on 27 Aug 2020 and ended on 1 Sep 2022.