Please help Brooke fight Cancer so she can see her little 8 week old baby girl grow up.
#An update on Brooke:
- Brooke has recently had a Stem Cell Transplant and is in complete isolation for up to six weeks. Unfortunately Brooke has picked up an infection as her blood count has dropped meaning she has no immune system. The doctors are very positive that she will respond well to a high dose antibiotic. In the meantime she is resting and recovering from one of the most "horrific procedures" she has ever been through. We would like to thank the amazing doctors and Nurses at Wellington Hospital for looking after our Brookie. We love you Brooke! Stay strong xx
My sister Brooke was first diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer in 2013. After six months of intense chemotherapy we had the most wonderful news that she was in the clear.
On the 3rd of December 2015 Brooke and Fiancé Chris welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world, Charlie. A miracle baby after everything they have been through. Unfortunately towards the end of Brooke's pregnancy she became unwell and was in and out of hospital having tests.
It breaks our hearts to say the cancer is back, this time more aggressive. Two large tumours, one in her neck and one in her chest. Brooke is also riddled with Cancer through her bones and body. Instead of focusing on her newborn baby, Brooke will be in and out of hospital having more Chemotherapy, Radiation treatment and Stem Cell Treatment. The treatment this time will be very aggressive and make Brooke very, very sick.
Brooke and Chris are not ones to ask for help and they are always there to help others in their time of need. I know that many friends and family would like to help but can not be in the Wairarapa to offer support during this tough time. A few of you have asked what can you do, well I know that financial support would take a huge amount of stress away and allow Brooke to focus on kicking Cancers butt. It will allow Chris to focus on supporting Brooke and looking after their gorgeous girl Charlie.
Any contribution would be greatly appreciated, as there will be added expenses for example accommodation costs, transport to and from Wellington for treatment and to be honest the list goes on.
We thank you for your support.
The Malyon, Prenter, Prosser, Coldwell Family.
I am involved because I want my sister and her little family to focus on getting better and not about financial pressure at a very tough time in their lives.
Thanks! 5 February 2016
Wow! I truly have no words that describe the heartfelt thanks Chris, Charlie & I have to the amazing people out there, family, friends and strangers!
Yesterday I had a day out of the hospital and at home filled with cuddles from our gorgeous girl and I am not going to lie plenty of tears but as I sat with her in my arms reading hundreds of messages of love, support and inspiration it gave me more want to fight, yes this is a rubbish situation but with such amazing people around us we will get through this.
Emotion has been running high as I guess we know what to expect this time around but with Charlie in our lives we get up each day and take it as it comes. We know it will definitely not be a walk in the park but we hope that it is over soon and we can get on and enjoy life as a family.
There are thousands of people, that are facing the same battle of this bastard disease and we are just truly thankful for all of the love, support and generosity of you all it is totally incredible!
Challenges build character! So watch this space, I hope that in the months ahead I will be fighting fit again.... alive, healthy, full of character and loving life!
Again, our sincere thanks to each of you.
Brooke & Chris xx