Claire is amazing but needs your help. Support Claire through lifesaving surgery & rehabilitation after breaking her neck in a car accident.
Claire is a tetraplegic as a result of a car accident when she was 17 after the driver fell asleep at the wheel. She has never let this disadvantage get in her way or placed limitations on herself or what she can achieve. She just got on with life and made the best of a very difficult situation.
She has completed an Honours Degree and Masters and works full time in spite of being unable to walk or use her hands and arms completely.
On top of this she is an amazing, caring, thoughtful person who would do anything for anyone anytime they needed a hand. Shes one of the finest people i know
She started experiencing extreme pain recently and unfortunately testing revealed that she now urgently requires a C7- T1 discectomy and instrumental fusion to her neck as the operation to stabilise her neck performed 20 years ago has deteriorated to the point where her neck is collapsing. Without the operation, she will lose all movement completely. and be inflicted with severe pain as her vertebrae slowly cuts into her spinal cord.
ACC will cover the cost of surgery but will not cover the rehabilitation time off work which could to be up to 12 weeks as she was a minor at the time of her accident and does not qualify for income assistance.
She has just built a custom made house after the earthquakes to suit her disability and she risks losing her house if she can not make mortgage repayments and cover living costs which are higher due to her disability.
She is a very independent determined woman who has never asked for a handout and never would. She has made her own way in the world, never complained and never expected any special treatment. But right now she could really use a helping hand. She needs the surgery but currently can’t afford to take the time off work to recover and she desperately needs your help.
I've known Claire for 8 years. She's the most amazing person i know and i want to help her now when her need is the greatest. Any help would be greatly appreciated and go to the most deserving person i know.
Support Claire Through Surgery & Recovery Update 26 December 2015
Because of everyone's generosity, Claire was able to go into surgery knowing she could have the time off required to recuperate. As a side note, because of the media attention the givealittle page attracted, ACC is said to be reviewing its policy on income support for people in Claire's position.
Claire would like to say how touched she was by the generosity of New Zealanders and, although the surgery has stabilised her neck and spine, an unanticipated outcome has been the loss of movement in her left arm. This may mean that the recovery period will be longer than anticipated so the money raised by givealittle, to some extent, will alleviate the stress caused by this.
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