Help me get my MRI

$3,050 of $1,400 goal
Given by 61 generous donors in 6 days

I need an MRI to get access to the treatment that will help my Anklylosing Spondylitis, a degenerative autoimmune condition.

Nelson / Tasman

UPDATE: Clearly,amazingly, incredibly, I have already far surpassed my goal.

I am so utterly grateful to everyone who has supported me with this, and frankly just lost for words. I hoped I'd reach the goal, I never dreamed I'd do that in four hours and this in 24.

Some people have requested I keep the page open, so I am doing that until next Friday.

All funds beyond the MRI will be used for other medical expenses like seeing my multiple doctors, filling prescriptions, following my restrictive diet, and keeping myself plied with hot water bottles.

Thank you, again. Just, thank you.

*I need an MRI to get access to the treatment that will help my Anklylosing Spondylitis, a degenerative autoimmune condition.

There's over 480 people on the public waiting list for an MRI, and the earliest I can get an appointment would be April, and that's with my rheumatologist pushing it through as urgent.

Meanwhile, my condition is deteriorating. The more the inflammation spreads in my spine, the more likely it is my spine will fuse together. This is irreversible.

On one hand, I feel very selfish refusing to wait another 4-6 months for this. On the other, I am in constant pain and have been battling this for almost two years.

If I pay for the treatment privately, I can get seen in one month.

The MRI won’t fix me. But it might give me access to medication that will help me lead a normal life.

Either way, your help will give me answers and progress and I really, really need both.

Thank you for your caring and support.

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Latest donations

librarykris on 19 Dec 2014
Thomo on 19 Dec 2014
All the best
Nat on 19 Dec 2014
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Dec 2014
Tama Easton
Tama Easton on 14 Dec 2014
I hope TNF-alpha blockers help you as much as they've helped me.

Who's involved?

Sarah Wilson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sarah Wilson
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This campaign started on 12 Dec 2014 and ended on 19 Dec 2014.