Four girls cycling the length of NZ, fundraising for a young kiwi boy who need's life changing surgery.
Kia Ora Everyone!
Oscar is just a kiwi kid with a dream. A kid with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy, and a $100,000 surgery standing in his way from being 'normal'.
Our fundraising group consists of four young women wanting to support Oscar and his family on their journey to a fulfilling life. Our names are Lauren Meyer, Caitlin Williams, Sarah Freeman and Alexandra Mullin.
Our plan to help Oscar consisted of getting active and cycling the length of our beautiful country New Zealand, in order to fundraise as much as we can for Oscar. Hopefully with everyones help Oscar will be able to strive towards doing something similar one day, as without the surgery it would never be made possible.
We are four girls who have decided to jump onboard and help Oscar on his Journey to becoming a normal Kiwi Kid!
Cycle Update 19 December 2016
We are currently one night away from having cycled the length of the North Island! Our journey has been awesome so far with great weather conditions. We have met so many wonderful people already and we can't wait to meet many more of our generous supporters. Tomorrow we will be cycling into Wellington and finally meeting Oscar and his family. Thank you to everyone who has donated. We are still aiming to reach $10,000 by the end of our cycle so keep the donations coming. Again thank you very much to everyone's support and don't forget to follow our progress at