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Harry & Christine's Ukraine Appeal

  • Gearing up for our 4th Ukraine supply run in April ‘25

      29 August 2024

    A few days ago, Russia carried out one of its most significant air assaults on Ukraine since the war began. The attack targeted power infrastructure, leading to widespread blackouts across the country. As air raid alerts sounded nationwide, everyone was urged to take shelter. Please help us by spreading the word to support these desperate people

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  • Children’s Hospital hit in missile attack

      9 July 2024
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    KYIV, July 8 (Reuters) - Russia blasted the main children's hospital in Kyiv with a missile in broad daylight on Monday and rained missiles down on other cities across Ukraine, killing at least 36 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months.

    Parents holding babies walked in the street outside the hospital, dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack.

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  • New Zealanders 🇳🇿serving and supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦

      18 June 2024
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    To our brave Ukrainian friends - Kia Kaha / Stay Strong.

    (See you on our next supply run) Slava Ukraini

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  • 3 Humanitarian missions over 2 years

      14 May 2024
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    Over the past two years, our team poured our hearts into three impactful humanitarian missions in Ukraine.

    We journeyed through perilous terrain, braving air attacks and treacherous roads, to deliver aid to over 700 families in remote villages near the frontline. We brought comfort to orphanages, provided essential supplies to women, and brought smiles to children with toys.

    Amidst the heartbreak and joy, our resolve remains unwavering. Yes, we will do it again. Yes, we will continue to risk our lives for strangers in need. The innocent souls in Ukraine depend on us, on you. Could you kindly share or forward our new Give-a-Little page with those who echo our compassion?

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  • Slight change of plans

      17 June 2022
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    Just before we left for Târgu Mureș, we heard from “Fight for Freedom” who helps Ukrainians refugees fleeing from the war, about a special-needs orphanage of 90 children that earlier lost their orphanage in Odessa and which needed urgent supplies. So, we quickly picked up and dropped supplies off in Suceava, north-eastern Romania.

    Special shout-out to Carl and Sue van Schreven from “Orphans Aid International” for arranging the supplies and contacts, Stefi Micliuc from “Fundația Kiwi Casa Bucuriei” and Stewart Thompson from “Growth for Tomorrow” for their help and incredible driving skills! Especially driving at night time past a stationary truck fleet in the Ukraine that stretched over 25 km! The video was taken during day time. Night time was much more intense!

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    • 17/06/2022 by Sonja

      I pray for your protection as well as all these precious children and people. May they experience God as their good and caring Father, somewhere in their days on earth. God bless you

  • Outcome of your generous support

      16 June 2022
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    Thank you so much to all who prayed and supported us in serving the Ukrainian people! We are very grateful for having been given this opportunity. We dropped off the supplies at an organisation called City of Goodness. They currently look after 200 women and children and expect more to arrive. The photos include a few of them including the babies that were orphaned by the war. The people were so grateful!! Note the sandbags in front of the windows are for in case of air strikes. They also have a safety room inside. Thanks again❤️

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  • On our way to Chernivtsi, Ukraine!!

      15 June 2022
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    Thank you everyone for making this happen!

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  • Leaving soon for Chernivtsi, Ukraine

      15 June 2022
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    In 10 hours we’re leaving for Chernivtsi. Won’t have any phone connection whilst in the Ukraine but will make contact afterwards

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    • 15/06/2022 by Sonja

      God bless you with wisdom, understanding and love to be Jesus to all that are in need. God gives His angels charge over you. God makes His face shine upon you and give you peace. Love

  • Ready to pick up supplies

      14 June 2022
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    Getting ready to pick up the supplies for a group of women and children in the Ukraine.

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  • Our Orphans Aid International team arrived in Târgu Mureș, Romania

      10 June 2022
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    We’re in Romania at the orphanage. Wonderful to connect with the children ❤️

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  • We are leaving for Romania/Ukraine in a weeks' time!

      27 May 2022

    Would you please consider sharing our appeal one last time? Thank you for your incredible support over the last few months.

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  • $1,500 to go!

      7 May 2022

    We have almost reached our $10,000 goal. $1,500 to go. Please consider posting our Ukraine Appeal on your social media pages. Thank you very for all your generous donations! 28 days before Christine and I join our amazing Orphans Aid International team to Romania and Ukraine.

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  • Closing in on our goal!

      2 May 2022

    Thank you to everyone for your donations to this incredible important cause! The estimate cost to hire large vehicles and purchasing supplies to be taken to the Ukrainian border and possibly into Ukraine is around NZ$8,000. We already have a total of $7,350. The goal is to raise $10,000

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  • Date set for Romania visit

      15 April 2022

    We will leave for Romania in early June and have set a goal of $10,000. Would you please forward our appeal to your friends?

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