Yay for water!

$371 of $500 goal
Given by 22 generous donors in 4 weeks

Hey, so I'm turning old soon and instead of having a party (which uses money) I thought this would be a better use of the money! SO please


Water Pumps for Kids In Developing Countries. We all take things like drinking water for granted, and forget to appreciate the little things in life which these kids don't get as much.

Hey, so I'm turning old soon and instead of having a party (which uses money) I thought this would be a better use of the money! SO please help me donate to these Kids as it will make them happy which makes you happy, which makes me happy :)

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Latest donations

Elena on 18 Nov 2011
Really inspiring and selfless of you Rupinder!
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Guest Donor on 04 Nov 2011
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Guest Donor on 02 Nov 2011
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Nov 2011
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Oct 2011
Great cause

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Rupinder Saini's avatar
Created by Rupinder Saini
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This campaign started on 22 Oct 2011 and ended on 21 Nov 2011.