Journey to 700km Yukon Arctic Ultra

$1,315 donated
Given by 23 generous donors in over a year

Marcelo is raising funds for Heart Kids NZ and SPCA NZ. He is running ultra-races across NZ and ultimately 700km in the Yukon Arctic Ultra.


My charity work continues in 2016 after a successful 2015 fund raising campaign.

Thank you to all for your support and donations to the SPCA and Heart Kids.

The Great Lake 155Km run in 2015 was the start of an 18 month journey that will ultimately finish with running the world's coldest and toughest ultra-race: The Yukon Arctic Ultra.

The Yukon Arctic is a total of 700 kms (430 miles) in distance, in extreme weather conditions with temperatures as low as minus 40°C.

The Yukon Arctic is a fully self-supported race which will include pulling my own sled full of supplies and camping equipment over 13 days.

This will be my biggest challenge to date and I'm sure it will test all of my skills as an ultra-marathon runner including physical and mental strength and fitness, as well as survival skills.

To date, less than 30 people have ever completed this race on foot.

It is an incredible race and challenge that I am looking forward to participate in, and at the same time be able to raise vital funds for Heart Kids NZ and SPCA NZ.

I hope you can contribute and support me in helping these two great NZ charity organisations.

You can follow my journey to the Yukon Arctic Ultra, and the races across the country on my Facebook page

Thank you all,


Marcelo Vanzuita's involvement (page creator)

Every dollar donated counts to every charity.

Also, 100% of all donations are automatically managed by GiveALittle and equally distributed between the SPCA and Heart Kids.

I have no authority over any of the donations and no donations is used for myself or any of my races.

Thank you all for your support.

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Taupo Relay 2015 completed  7 February 2016

I've completed the Great Lake Taupo 155km race in 21 hours and 35 minutes, which is a few minutes shorter than planned. Although I was the only solo runner, it was great to be part of such a great event.

I want to say thank you to Murray and the crew for organising such a fantastic event. Around 3500 people were there participating and enjoying a great atmosphere.

Thank you to my fiancée Mathilda, who was there with me throughout the entire race, supporting me and making sure I followed the nutrition plan.

Also a big thank you to all of you who shared a hello and a smile along the race course.

Donations have started coming through and your help and support is truly appreciated.

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Mathilda on 12 Feb 2016
So incredibly proud. If anyone can do it, it's you. Enjoy every moment of this incredible journey
Tuku on 11 Feb 2016
700km... Phew I am aching after 7km. Good luck with it!
Sandy Overy
Sandy Overy on 09 Feb 2016
To a very brave man. As always hoping your training goes well and the race a challenge you enjoy and complete safely. Good luck ?? x
Kenza on 04 Mar 2015
Best of luck!
Dena on 24 Feb 2015
Good luck Marcelo, you are a machine and I have no doubt you will be very successful in the Yukon Arctic Ultra xx.

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Marcelo Vanzuita's avatar
Created by Marcelo Vanzuita
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
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This campaign started on 27 Jan 2015 and ended on 5 Apr 2016.