We partner with disabled people, their families and whānau to enable them to have choice and control in their lives.
CCS Disability Action is a membership-based organisation and a registered charity, led by a national board. Local governance committees, staff groups and local communities also guide our work. Many of our board members, governance and staff have lived experience of disability.
We have been working with disabled people and their families since 1935 and are now at the forefront of service provision, advocacy and information sharing in the disability sector New Zealand-wide. We partner with disabled people, their families and whānau to enable them to have choice and control in their lives. We also work with communities, family members, friends, Hapu, Iwi, educators, health providers, social services, businesses, employers, councils, Government, community agencies, community groups and the public to identify and remove barriers that prevent people from achieving their goals.
CCS Disability Action supports almost 5,000 disabled people and their families and whānau each year. We provide a range of support services through 27 offices from Northland to Invercargill.
CCS Disability Action’s vision is to see every disabled person included in the life of their family and community. As well as providing direct support and advocacy, we have a wider role in shaping society’s attitudes towards people with a disability. CCS Disability Action is the largest pan-disability support and advocacy organisation in New Zealand.