Figjam Workshops

Figjam Workshops

We deliver a wide range of interactive workshops designed to educate and empower people, so they are inspired and motivated to create posit


We deliver workshops to members of the community and their families who are disadvantaged by the effects of: poverty; long-term unemployment; domestic violence; substance abuse; and/or low self worth. Using art and creativity as a means to explore patterns of behavior, these workshops provide tools which enable participants to create long term positive changes in their lives.

Figjam Workshops has been in operation since 2006. We have continued to grow and expand. We work with many Community Resource Centres throughout the Coromandel, Waikato, Auckland and the Bay of Plenty. We work with all ages and ethnicities.

Latest update

Embracing Sacred Self Weekend Workshop  20 May 2014

In this Weekend Retreat we explore: - Art and Creativity as a tool for self-expression - Time out ? to unwind and nurture self - Reconnecting with Authentic Self - Creating positive changes in life - Building inspiration and motivation - Creative Visualization and relaxation All you need bring is yourself and your desire to relax, laugh, play and learn. Please wear casual comfortable clothing (you may get paint on your clothes.) Optional: Please bring any items you may wish to incorporate into your artwork which are special to you, such as photos, mementos etc. Date: Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June Time: 10:00 ? 4:00 Saturday, 9:30 ? 3:00 Sunday Free accommodation on site in house or caravans BYO Bedding. Numbers limited to 12. Contact us to register:

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