Trees That Count raises funds for native tree planting projects throughout NZ. $10 plants a tree!
For more than 30 years, New Zealand charity Trees That Count Te Rahi o Tāne Trust has been at the heart of protecting and renewing our native trees.
Trees That Count Te Rahi o Tāne Trust first started in 1990 to help save the pōhutukawa, and later the northern and southern rātā, which were dangerously close to extinction. Decades of hard work followed with Project Crimson rallying community groups, businesses and volunteers to support the planting of over 300,000 pōhutukawa and rātā – dramatically turning around the fortunes of our beloved ‘Christmas trees’.
We're continuing our mahi today, educating and inspiring New Zealanders to value and love all species of our native trees through our programme Trees That Count. Through Trees That Count we raise funds for native trees to support community planting efforts throughout New Zealand, with over 2 million trees planted so far!
Trees That Count has been enabling funders to restore and transform Aotearoa New Zealand’s landscapes through reforestation, since 1989.
With 1,500 planting projects – Trees That Count has Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest network of native planting projects.
Across every part of the country, Trees That Count funders are helping to plant native forests (over 2.5 million trees so far!). These restored habitats are providing climate resilience, enhanced biodiversity, and healthier communities.
Driven by community and guided by science, restoration projects are harnessing nature’s power to control erosion, improve water quality, create wildlife corridors, build carbon sinks, and protect endangered and taonga species.
With your support, Trees That Count is creating a more resilient Aotearoa for people and nature – for generations to come.