Keep this vital community resource going and growing to help meet the mental health and wellbeing needs of the Kapiti community
We provide a lifeline to those navigating mental health challenges in our community. We are the only mental health community centre in Kapiti.
Your funding will help us:
Keep our doors open for those in our community who need support with their mental health
Offer creative and wellbeing classes to promote positive mental health
Walk alongside vulnerable community members as they navigate their path to recovery
Provide immediate support, opportunities for connection and meaningful activities for those who need it
Remain operational to reduce isolation within our member base, as many have limited other sources of support
Can you help us fulfil some of these dreams?
We welcome all those facing tough times who want to connect with others through creativity, wellbeing classes, peer support and good conversations. We run a variety of creative and wellbeing classes to promote positive mental health in our community.