2024 Tawa Intermediate School Fun Run

$11,280 donated
Given by 342 generous donors in 7 weeks

To help raise funds for the school we are holding our annual Fun Run on Wednesday 12 June.

Tawa, Wellington

To help raise funds for the school we are holding a Fun Run on Wednesday 12 June. This will involve students gathering sponsors who will donate money in exchange for the students completing the course.

In the past, the money raised has helped us acquire more computers for classrooms, improve our school hall, and put new turf down over our courts.

This year, students are fundraising for ICT and enhancing the school environment.

Because all donations will be tagged against a student, you must leave their full name and room number in the comment section when donating.

Thanks for your support!

About us

Tawa Intermediate School provides the opportunity for high quality education in a safe and caring environment for students in Years 7 and 8 from within the suburb of Tawa and beyond.

Use of funds

This year, students are fundraising for ICT and enhancing the school environment.

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Latest donations

Jonny on 23 Jun 2024
Ake Faauga-Langham Room 1
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jun 2024
For Jackson Mccuan fundraising, from The Nanny, Jenna VB, and Mums
David on 21 Jun 2024
For Miah Jaquiery Room 17
Sian on 21 Jun 2024
Ryder Beardsmore-Law / Room 5
Chandrakant on 19 Jun 2024
Veer Patel Room 6

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tawa Intermediate School (School)
Registered School
A registered school has legal recognition which comes with reporting and review requirements.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 2 May 2024 and ended on 24 Jun 2024.