21K's 4 21 Days

$18,365 donated
Given by 165 generous donors in 7 weeks

21 consecutive half marathons in 21 days, starting on April 1st - 21st with a goal of raising money for the whanau during this time.

Sockburn, Christchurch

A family member of one of our STC staff has been facing a lengthy battle with cancer over the past few years. Kylie, a 35-year-old mother of four children received a diagnosis of Stage 4b Hodgkin’s Lymphoma disease. Initially diagnosed in late 2022, she underwent chemotherapy. Despite initial clearance, the cancer returned with increased aggression 12 months later. Subsequently, she endured another four months of intensive chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. The emotional strain on the family is palpable, compounded by her partner's extended time off work, which has taken a significant financial toll.

As well as raising much needed funds to support the family in this time, the whanau will be donating a percentage of all money raised toward leukemia and blood cancer NZ, to help them continue their support of those living with blood cancer and their continued research into finding a cure.

The challenge:

Myself (Tom Tennent) & Daniel Kahura will be aiming to run 21.1km (Half marathon) for 21 consecutive days, starting on April 1st. Our final run on the 21st of April will be part of the official Christchurch marathon event, run around the city. We are aiming to raise funds to support this family through extremely difficult time, which has also caused a lot of financial hardship. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand Charity. Any donations, messages or support will be hugely appreciated as we embark on this challenge!

Thomas Tennent's involvement (page creator)

A friend and relative of the runners and close member of our St Thomas/OLV community.

Use of funds

Money will be spent on supporting household day-to-day expenses during the treatment and recovery period.

The family will also donate 5% of all funds raised toward leukemia and blood cancer NZ.

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Latest update

Open Goal, thanks for all your support and generosity so far!  21 March 2024

11 Days out.. if you know of any businesses that may be keen to jump on board and support please get in touch with their Info.

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Latest donations

Luke whānau
Luke whānau on 23 Apr 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Apr 2024
Leigh and Graham
Leigh and Graham on 23 Apr 2024
Awesome effort DK and Tommo. Hope the recovery goes well 😊. Praying your efforts will be hugely blessed. Love Aunty Leigh and Uncle Gra xox
Gus & Wills
Gus & Wills on 23 Apr 2024
WESTSIDE HORNBY on 23 Apr 2024
For the cause mbutha!! Pai to maaaaaahi korua ❤️

Who's involved?

Thomas Tennent's avatar
Created by Thomas Tennent
Kylie Kahura's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kylie Kahura
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This campaign started on 4 Mar 2024 and ended on 23 Apr 2024.