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$4 of $900 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in 24 days

Trying to produce my 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm Designs to hopefully one day help millions worldwide.



I have managed to purchase some of the hardware to build a pc powerful enough to be able to run AutoCAD Software.

All that is left to put together is the all important Graphics Card, Power Supply and HDD's.

Which is going to run around $900 for a decent 6-8GB Card Alone..

These are the last pieces stopping the design portion of this project!

Ideally you would want a printer onsite through the design & Trial 'n' Error period but from what i have seen of the 3d printing community in nz they are very keen to offer help printing something out.

So although leading up to the final product is going to be a tedious and lengthy process we have no doubt we will sail through no problem at all. (Fingers Crossed)

These Mio-Electric Arm’s are all well and good but they are not realistically good enough for any real physical jobs people have to deal with living there lives, doing their jobs..

That is why you still see the same design as long before I was born (30+Yrs)

I have had a “hook” in one form or the other since I was 6 months old....The only real change in that time is when the “sleeve” switched to woven carbon fiber, which looks nice but you are still working with the exact same arm which when you go for a replacement can take up to 3-4 visits to central Auckland after the initial consultation with the “surgeon” to rubber stamp going ahead with the process....It gets old fast.

Myself I made a replacement harness myself with a sewing machine as the whole process is so frustrating. People have to travel to either Auckland, Hamilton or Christchurch I believe to get everything done.

I have my design’s all worked out in my head it is just a matter of getting them into the design format (CAD) and start printing up prototypes.

I have been a focus group of one for 31 years...

I have full confidence that i can produce something that can replace this outdated technology that even in this day and age is mostly only available to "3rd world" countries 2nd "hand"

This is 2016 and there is no reason anybody that needs a limb should go without whether they live in Nz or somewhere like Africa and the Middle East.


Next Stop, Awesome Kiwi made arms to the people of the world who need them most!

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I am a 30 year old father of 2, medical issues related to me suffering from Poland Syndrome deformities which have taken my ability to hold down a job and provide for my family. Along with the added bonus of only having learnt the severity of my birth defects about a year ago and also being medicated for anxiety/depression since 2012.

With much time on my hands i have thought of ways that i can provide thinking "outside the box" as the prospect of living out the rest of my days in poverty does not really appeal to me.

I have always been a very inventive person and always have "ideas/projects" swirling around in my head.

Having lived with a hook all my life i am aware of EVERY issue in living with one of these and have a ton of ideas to revolutionize the standard prosthetic arm. - Bionic hands etc are nice to play with but for everyday grunt work they are a bit delicate.

As anyone who creates anything great will tell you, you do what you know...

We have the technology...we can be better....faster....stronger.

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Make The "Hook" Obsolete - Turn Bad Stares Into Good Stares  12 May 2016

I'm not looking to just get myself a hand thats a "neat toy" but have a stab at making the old "hook" obsolete... Mioelectric...3d hands i've seen so far ALL are nice toys but are pretty much less useful than a stump in any job outside of an office worker. All my life i've been told when getting arms replaced that i ware them out faster than anyone by far, i know where the bar is and what would REALLY make a difference to the majority of prosthetic "hook" wearers Worldwide.

Stone Age Equipment

horrible - easily 40-50 year old design!

And to get one takes Months! multiple "fittings"....

The right design ticking all the boxes has the potential to improve the lives of people all over the globe.

Wearing one of these since i was 6 months old - I feel i am pretty qualified in what can and should be done to improve this outdated piece of "technology".

There are plenty of flashy "toys" coming out with robotic hands etc...but to reach the most people in this particular market you need to revolutionize this old workhorse that just gets the job done and keeps coming back for more.

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Jaymo Sinclair's avatar
Created by James Sinclair, paying to a verified bank account of Jaymo Sinclair
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This campaign started on 9 May 2016 and ended on 2 Jun 2016.