For the 2nd time in 18months Jamie and James have been affected by Auckland flooding
Ranui, Auckland
For the 2nd time in 18months Jamie and James have been affected by Auckland flooding. Along with so many others across Auckland my sister and her husband have lost their home and all their posessions in the flood on the January 27th. That alone is bad enough but Jamie was 40wks pregnant on the 28th January and now they don't have their own home to take their new baby back to.
They are currently at my parents house with anything salvaged from their home in boxes, all the beautiful new stuff purchased for their 1st baby has been lost.
With so many others affected we are unsure when insurance will pay anything out and a baby waits for Noone (although he's been kind enough to hang out where he is while try sort things) Their whole house will need to be renovated inside. New floors, walls, bathroom, kitchen and realistically this could be months away.
Anyone who knows Jamie and James knows that they don't like to accept help when there are always people who are "worse off", but sometimes you just have to accept the help that people are offering. Especially when financially, it could be a long time before any insurance assistance comes through.
Jamie is my sister
Nursery things (cot, pram) furniture
Thank you from the Wolleys 3 February 2023
James and I have been blown away by the generous support, donations and offers of temporary homes and furniture etc that have come through over the last week. Friends, family and complete strangers have provided some much needed relief and support during what has felt like a literal nightmare. While we are out of our home for the foreseeable future, we have a roof over our heads and can now focus on having our baby (at 41+ weeks). It's not the situation we had hoped for or ever imagined being in and it's going to be a long road ahead, but we feel much more equipped to deal with it thanks to the incredible financial and emotional support we have received. While we have received a huge number of offers to replace baby items and furniture, we have what we need for the time being and encourage anyone with items to gift to contact any of the amazing charities and groups who are helping flood victims across Auckland (particularly Mummy's in Need / Nurturing Families and Awhi Shed who both do fantastic work). Thank you once again for your support - Despite everything, there are wonderful people out there!