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8th World Junior Wushu Championships - New Zealand Team

$2,172 donated
Given by 42 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help the New Zealand Wushu Team get to Indonesia

We are just ordinary kids, but we are also kids with extraordinary dreams. Everyday we have been pushing our limits both physically and mentally, straining ourselves for a competition- a chance to compete in what we are passionate about, and a hard-earned opportunity to meet others who share the same passion. However, with the opportunity to compete at an international competition of such a high-level, it seems that funding is just as important as our hard work.

Complete with a history that dates way back into ancient China, wushu is a highly physically demanding sport, a beautiful amalgamation of body language, flexibility and strength. In spite of this, it is still a lesser known sport in New Zealand, making this competition a significant step in its promotion. Even if it's just $1 or $2, any donation would be greatly appreciated!

Help the New Zealand Wushu Team get to Indonesia for the 8th World Junior Wushu Championships - a stepping stone to the Youth Olympic Games 2026.

Jane Luk's involvement (page creator)

Team leader

Use of funds

Funds will go towards:

- Flights

- Transport

- Uniforms

- Gear

- Food

- Vaccinations

- And everything else in between

Other page links

Latest donations

Hai Jie
Hai Jie on 11 Nov 2022
All the best
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Nov 2022
Aunty Jess and Jean
Aunty Jess and Jean on 31 Oct 2022
Go Ome!!
Willow on 28 Oct 2022
Kayden, all the best for the world championships. WBS Community is very proud of you
Holly on 26 Oct 2022
Go go go

Who's involved?

Jane Luk's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jane Luk on behalf of Wushu Development of New Zealand Trust
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This campaign started on 11 Oct 2022 and ended on 12 Dec 2022.