After winning Gold at the North Island Champs, these 9 girls are determined to compete in Singapore this November.
Synchronised Swimming is a much talked about sport at the Olympics. The swimmers' gelled hair, stunning outfits and graceful movements in the water give little insight into the relentless training involved to become good at it.
Funding is hard to get for this niche sport but these 9 girls from North Harbour Synchro and their coach Victoria are determined to represent North Harbour Synchro at the Singapore Open this November! Aged between 10 and 12, they are working hard outside their school day to make it happen: 15 hours of training each week and lots of fundraisers such as sausage sizzles, bake sales and craft stalls.
Your donation, however small, will help them get there!
I am the team manager and work closely with the team and coach to plan the girls' participation at this international competition.
Funds raised through this page will directly help all 9 girls by reducing the cost of airfares to Singapore.