Flatman Winter Packs

$5,900 of $10,000 goal
Given by 120 generous donors in 8 weeks

Winters Hard enough as it is without having to live in below average housing. So I wanted to create some Winter packs and bring some joy to


Bringing a little Joy to just one person can have a major impact both for the person and yourself so "be a bruv. .and share the luv"

Latest update

Humbled  9 June 2013

It's truelly overwhelming to see this kind of support coming in from all over the world!!! this page has been active for only 48 hours and over $3000 has been raised!!! thank you everyone for your donations, kind messages, time and energy as well as writing in with other ways you could help. I feel honoured to be in a position to help others. And so should you!!! I've learnt a lot through being Flatman and the one thing I've learnt time after time it's the people with the least to give that give the most!! It's about people helping people!!! And no matter how big or small we think we are every bit helps. So thank you NZ and people from around the world in getting behind Christchurch :) FM

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Kelly on 09 Aug 2013
Kaz on 07 Aug 2013
Butters on 05 Aug 2013
I like what you do
ang greggains
ang greggains on 05 Aug 2013
rock it mystery man!! love your work bro!!
Karen Mather
Karen Mather on 04 Aug 2013

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Flat Man's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Flat Man
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This campaign started on 10 Jun 2013 and ended on 10 Aug 2013.