Help Lucy & Family

$269,934 donated
Given by 5084 generous donors in 11 days

Help support the family of hero mum Lucy Knight tragically injured intervening in a crime.


On Tuesday 23rd September at approx 1:40pm Lucy, mother of six, was shopping at Northcote with her two youngest children.

She witnessed a person snatch the handbag of an elderly woman after withdrawing cash from an ATM, and intervened. In the process the offender struck her on the head, she fell and sustained a brain injury.

Whilst Lucy recovers from surgery for her brain injury, plus the cost of supporting a large family, we would like to support them as much as possible and cover basic things like groceries, parking and petrol.

We consider her an absolute hero for stepping in to help someone in need, further details are available in the Herald story below:

** After discussion with Lucy's family, this page is now closed to donations. The massive outpouring of kindness and support was unexpected and, as we understand it, unprecedented.

Our thanks goes to every individual and community group who contributed in one way or another.

If anyone is still wishing to donate, the family requests it go to the Starship Foundation, whose Givealittle page is here:

Their main website is here: **

Latest donations

Pip Norris
Pip Norris on 06 Oct 2014
Biddy on 06 Oct 2014
Thinking of you all at this difficult and very unfair life changing event. Please keep strong ,and very best wishes from strangers who really care. Xxx
Private Donor
Private Donor on 05 Oct 2014
Keith Matheson
Keith Matheson on 05 Oct 2014
Jian Zhang
Jian Zhang on 05 Oct 2014
Wishing getting better soon, god blessing

Who's involved?

Jacquie Bird's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jacquie Bird
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This campaign started on 26 Sep 2014 and ended on 7 Oct 2014.