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The Walking Wolf

$8,475 donated
Given by 186 generous donors in one year

Help Wolf get what he needs to learn to walk

Rolleston, Canterbury

Wolf was born at 31 weeks due medical negligence.We had a traumatic birthing experience, where Wolf was born not breathing and needed to be resuscitated. He spent the next 7 weeks in NICU fighting for his life and fought so hard to be here with us. He is now 2 years old, and was diagnosed with hypotonic Cerebral Palsy at 13 months. He is unable to sit, crawl, or walk and has difficulty using his hands.

Hemi and I are his parents, and are currently beginning a battle with ACC to accept cover for Wolf so that he is able to receive the best treatment he can. This can take years to get approval with frequent appeals and court dates. We need financial support for treatments and equipment while we fight for Wolf's right for cover.

New Zealand is severely behind with treatment for CP and it is notoriously hard to attain funding and cover. Nz funding is exceptionally limited and our treatment options are unfortunately very behind. Important equipment for Wolf's ability to learn to walk is very difficult to get in New Zealand with huge wait lists under public. Australia provides intensive treatment centres specializing in working with children with CP, and have demonstrated INCREDIBLE results for these children. This is very expensive but extremely worth it.

Money donated will go toward intensive treatment costs, travel to and from treatment, and accommodation during treatment, and any equipment that will help Wolf gain the ability to crawl, sit and walk.

We truly appreciate your help

Use of funds

Flights, accommodation, and treatment costs for daily intensive treatment for 3 weeks and future trips.

Surplus donations will contribute to our next intensive treatment and any equipment that will help Wolf gain the ability to walk.

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Wow- thank you!  7 December 2023

We have been watching the donations roll in today and it has been so emotional. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the kindness, generosity, and support for Wolf and his journey, that you have shown. We are so grateful for all you beautiful people. And we deeply appreciate your support through our persistent battle for Wolf's needs. Thank you ever so much 💓

Wolf also says a massive Thank you, and has been enjoying reading all your wonderful messages!!

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Renee on 13 Dec 2023
All the very best for your beautiful boy & family!
Tracey on 08 Dec 2023
Darrell on 08 Dec 2023
I wish the little lad all the best.
Christine and Russell
Christine and Russell on 08 Dec 2023
Brij lal Gupta
Brij lal Gupta on 08 Dec 2023

Who's involved?

Casey McCabe's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Casey McCabe on behalf of Wolf Greene
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This campaign started on 9 Jun 2023 and ended on 9 Jun 2024.