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A New Mitral Heart Valve For Jane McCormack

  • Great News: Operation Date Received

      5 April 2023

    I have just come off of a call with Ian and Jane as they have received great news. Jane has been given a date for her operation in the next couple of weeks.

    This has come much quicker than anyone was expecting, and we are celebrating this as a miracle in itself.

    We want to thank everyone for their support, expressions of love and encouragement. It has all been greatly appreciated.

    The money you have donated to date can be used to help with other expenses, but out of all fairness, we wish to offer the option to refund your donation.

    Get in touch with Givealittle at by 14/04/2023 if you wish to request a refund.

    Once again, a massive thank you to you all.

    Grace and peace,

    Scott, Ian and Jane.

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