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A New Writer-Reader Relationship

$132 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in one year

You give me a donation; I give you my ebook. You read, I eat, we're all happy.


The old model of literary patronage: I write a book, a publisher buys the rights, and gives me a fraction of what you pay for a copy.

The really old model of literary patronage: some rich person lets me live in their attic while I write a book (providing I dedicate it to them in suitably flattering terms).

The new model of literary patronage: I write a book, you donate to my living costs, and I give you the download link for the ebook. No middlemen, no sycophancy, no waste.

I released the full-length fantasy novel Restoration Day in January '18 (available in paperback through various online retailers). That wouldn't have been possible if I'd still had a day job. I'm very thankful for that freedom, and having learnt a great deal from the experience, I want to press on and create more.

Releasing my works under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license means more freedom for readers and creatives: freedom to share, freedom to re-create, freedom to innovate. Because sharing is good.

So if you'd like to help keep a Kiwi writer in the manner to which she is accustomed (electricity; internet connection; regular meals for self, spouse and cats), then feel free to chip in with as much or as little as you'd like.

Every donation, regardless of size, will receive a thank you message containing the download link for the Restoration Day ebook (ISBN 9780473415204), available in EPUB, PDF, and MOBI (for Kindles).

A free sample of the book is available at https://deborah.makarios.nz/restoration-day-sample/

Those outside NZ please note: Givealittle is a New Zealand organization and operates in New Zealand dollars. To give you a rough idea of what a New Zealand dollar is worth (as of late Jan. '18): $5.00 NZ is approximately equivalent to $4.60 Australian, $3.70 American, $4.60 Canadian, £2.60, or 3 euro (but please remember rates are subject to constant change, and your bank will add a margin on top of this).


To keep track of what I'm up to, check out deborah.makarios.nz - and remember, sharing is good!

Use of funds

Funds will be used to defray the author's living expenses.

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Tony Arrowsmith
Tony Arrowsmith on 03 Apr 2018
Deborah, it is great to see you have finished your first book; Well Done!
Deborah Makarios

Thanks! I hope you enjoy the book :-)

Deborah Makarios
Zach Smith
Zach Smith on 08 Feb 2018
Deborah Makarios

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the book :-)

Deborah Makarios
mary on 03 Feb 2018
Deborah Makarios

Thank you so much! Enjoy the book :-)

Deborah Makarios
DionO on 01 Feb 2018
Deborah Makarios

Thank you so much - I hope you enjoy the book!

Deborah Makarios
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Jan 2018
Deborah Makarios

Thank you for your support!

Deborah Makarios

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Deborah Makarios
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This campaign started on 27 Jan 2018 and ended on 27 Jan 2019.