A Plaque and unveiling for a special unicorn who is so terribly missed.
On the 10th of January this year our beautiful Unicorn, Sasha Louise Thompson was involved in a fatal accident at Hampton downs whilst taking part in a motorbike track day, doing what she loved. The impact of the accident left her unresponsive and caused inoperable brain damage. My family has endured ultimate heart break, something we would never wish upon anyone. To bury someone you love well before you should have to is absolutely devastating and has taken its toll on our family. Sasha was pronounced dead on January the 11th and grief has consumed us ever since. My beautiful parents have stood so incredibly strong throughout, yet my heart breaks for both of them. I wish I could fix this pain yet I cant, all I can do is stand strong beside them both and support in anyway I can. I'd love to be able to wear the financial aspect of an amazing plaque and unveiling for our beautiful Unicorn yet cant and I dont want them to have to worry anymore than they already do. Both of my parents have done nothing but open their beautiful hearts and home to anyone who crosses their path, always giving without asking for anything in return. I want to give back to them as much as I can and I know this will be of huge help, theyd never ask for help and will always do as they can with what they have. Sash would have been so overwhelmed by the love we recieved and continue to receive daily and there really is no way to thank everyone, however from the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of my beautiful parents and Sash, Thankyou. <3 #teamsash all the unicorns, all the pink, all the glitter and all the bows Sashy <3
Any money donated will go towards Sashys plaque and unveiling for the one year anniversary of her passing, The plaque is to be organised by Rob and Glennis Thompson (Sashas Mummy n Daddy) and the unveiling by Carly and Bex (Sashas sisters)