A tooth root infection almost cost Darryl his life. Now he is on a long path to recovery.

$7,195 donated
Given by 38 generous donors in around 12 months

Lucky to be alive after an infection from a tooth travelled to his brain, Darryl is on a journey back to health.

Inglewood, Taranaki

On 31st of August Darryl's life changed as he was rushed to hospital unable to speak or use the right side of his body.

Scans showed infection on his brain caused by the root of a tooth he had removed 8 months earlier. He was flown by Life Flight from New Plymouth to Wellington for emergency surgery to save his life. The Dr’s had to remove a section of his skull, address the infection in the brain and remove the tooth root. Due to the swelling and infection around his brain the bone was left out. This will hopefully be replaced in a few months.

After several days on life support Darryl turned a corner and has started the long journey to recovery. After 3 weeks he was able to leave hospital to the care of his family.

Darryl still has a long way to go to full recovery. He still has more surgery, speech therapy, physio and Antibiotic infusions to go.

Darryl’s family are doing their best to support his every need, but right now he has lots of unknowns. He doesn’t know when he will be able to work again. His work is being very supportive, but his leave will eventually run out and so will his savings. This is causing Darryl a huge amount of stress, which we are trying to avoid while his brain recovers.

We have set up this page on Darryl’s behalf as an anonymous, no-obligation way to help Darryl, as we have had a number of people ask how they can be of help. For everyone who takes the time to give or share, thank you. Every little bit will make a difference to Darryl.

Marie Cooper's involvement (page creator)

I am fortunate to have Darryl as my brother-in-law.

Use of funds

Any funds given will go directly to support Darryl for costs incurred through his recovery and while he is unable to work.

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Latest update

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Final Update  3 September 2023

A year ago today, Darryl was fighting for his life in Wellington Hospital. He was in the middle of multiples surgeries and the Dr’s told us they were running out of options.

Today we have so much to celebrate. The last year has been a journey of so many ups and downs, but today we are able to celebrate because Darryl has come such a long way.

He is now back at work 4 hours a day, 4 days a week and is looking forward to stepping it up again hopefully soon. He is also able to drive again which is a huge milestone.

This Givealittle page was a massive help to Darryl in the middle of a very dark time, not only financially but equally as importantly with every message of support that encouraged him in a way that we as his family couldn’t.

Months ago, Darryl told me he wanted to have the final message on this page.

Today he has asked me to express his gratitude to every person who took the time to read, share and donate. You will never know how much it has meant to him and us.

As we close this page with heartfelt thanks, we’d also like to remind anyone reading this to please take seriously any issues you may have with your teeth. If you need to, get a second opinion.

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Latest donations

HEL Rimu
HEL Rimu on 23 Dec 2022
We look forward to having you return back to work next year.
Gerri and Bruce
Gerri and Bruce on 07 Nov 2022
Marie Cooper

Our heartfelt thanks for your kindness to Darryl. It is very much appreciated.

Marie Cooper
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Nov 2022
Our kindest, warmest best wishes for all family and for your speedy recovery Darryl. from Friends, Hutt Valley.
Marie Cooper

Thank you for your kindness to Darryl. It is very much appreciated.

Marie Cooper
Anna & Andrew
Anna & Andrew on 22 Oct 2022
Thinking of you during your recovery Darryl. All the best from the West (of Oz)
Marie Cooper

Thank you so much from Darryl and all the family. We really appreciate your kindness.

Marie Cooper
Jayne on 22 Oct 2022
Thinking of you Darryl and hope you are well soon xo
Marie Cooper

A very big thank you! Darryl is really grateful for your help.

Marie Cooper

Who's involved?

Marie Cooper's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Marie Cooper on behalf of my Brother-in-law Darryl Cooper
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This campaign started on 5 Oct 2022 and ended on 4 Oct 2023.