Precious Paws is a cat and kitten rescue run by Mary Lou at her home. She fosters them until they are rehomed.
Manawatu / Whanganui
Precious Paws Paradise is a cat rescue service which runs solely on individual donations. It desexes all the cats it receives and then rehomes them. Since February 2014, it has successfully rehomed hundreds of them. Money is needed for food, desexing, and other vet costs. We also need help feeding colonies of abandoned cats and kittens around Wanganui. I feed a colony every day at seven feed sites, and would like someone to do one or two days a week to help out. Also, because we try to catch these cats, we spend hours waiting by the traps. If anyone is interested in that side of our rescue operation, we would love to hear from them as well. Another kind of help we need is foster carers, people who will take in the cats or kittens we catch and look after them until Mary Lou finds a permanent home for them. This has to be done at their own cost because we are so short of money and food. This work is not for people who are not committed animal lovers. We give a great deal of our time and money to rescue these dumped animals because, one, we love them, and two, because they are victims of other people's cruelty and neglect. They were not born out in the wild and often struggle to survive. Then they breed and before you know it, there are dozens of cats in the area. My name is Kerri and my phone numbers are 027 343 5110 or 06 348 4811 if you wish to get involved.
Money raised will go towards food, desexing, and other vet costs. Our time is completely voluntary so all fundraising benefits just the cats.
I'm involved because when I asked Mary Lou to help me trap and desex my colony cats, she immediately said yes. In turn, I wish to help her with the cost of keeping her cats and mine until she finds new homes for them.
Precious Paws update 24 October 2016
From August 2015 to August 2016, Precious Paws has rehomed 41 adult cats and 198 kittens. All were desexed before being rehomed. Also, Mary Lou helped 59 people with the desexing of their pets. These are different animals to the ones referred to in my last update, so the numbers are even better taken overall. Thank you to all those who give so that the work can continue.
Hi, Katie, Many thanks for your support of our work. There's never any end to it, which reminds me. I haven't posted an update to previous donors for ages, so will do one now. Cheerx, Kerri
Wow, George, That is a fabulous donation! It is badly needed with kitten season already on us. Thank you soooo much, and the cats thank you too.
Many thanks, Judi.
Thank you for your kind comment, Melissa, and the donation :)
Many thanks for your donation, Bryan. It is often heartbreaking work, but also very rewarding. We just caught another one from my colony last week, a two year old male. Unfortunately, he's too wild to rehome, but at least he can't breed. He had an eye infection too, which the vet gave a slow release antibiotic for. So he's all good :)