Academic Field Trip to Mexico

$1,020 donated
Given by 20 generous donors in 7 weeks

This is for my family, friends, and colleagues to help support my research endeavours towards my PhD.


I am currently entering my final year of my PhD: Doctor of Philosophy in Visual and Material Culture. I have set up this fund for family, friends, and colleagues who would be happy to contribute towards the activities I have planned for the last stages of my research.

Please note that although there is an open goal it closes on 31 January.

In 2011, I was awarded first-class honours for my MPhil: Master of Philosophy on the fashion-based Japanese Lolita subcultural movement. Since completion of that thesis, my research has developed towards an investigation of the globalising effects of the subculture and so, for my PhD, I have been carrying out surveys with Lolita participants outside Japan.

In 2017, it is my wish to travel to Puebla, Mexico, for a Lolita convention in order to meet with many of my correspondents, in person, and interview them further. This visit would coincide with the IGA (International Gothic Association) conference, also being held in Puebla, which I hope to attend in order to present a paper.

These days, I am a full-time student, no longer supported by employment. This assistance would, therefore, be invaluable to me.

My research profile:

Kathryn Hardy Bernal's involvement (page creator)

All contributions will go towards airfares, transfers, accommodation, conference fees, and convention tickets.

All contributors will be acknowledged and thanked in my published PhD thesis.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Jan 2017
Kathryn Hardy Bernal

Nawww, you are so lovely!! Miss you xox

Kathryn Hardy Bernal
Sarah G
Sarah G on 24 Jan 2017
Go, be fantastic, have awesome adventures and do wondrous stuff. xx
Kathryn Hardy Bernal

Ohh, what an amazing person you are!! Thank you so very much! xox

Kathryn Hardy Bernal
Murray and Barbara
Murray and Barbara on 18 Jan 2017
Looking forward to hearing about your success, dear Kathryn.
Kathryn Hardy Bernal

Ohhh, Aunty Barbara and Uncle Murray, thanks so very, very much. It means so much to me!! xx

Kathryn Hardy Bernal
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Jan 2017
Kathryn Hardy Bernal

Thank you so very much xx

Kathryn Hardy Bernal
Kat mexico
Kat mexico on 18 Jan 2017
Kathryn Hardy Bernal

Thanks so much xox

Kathryn Hardy Bernal

Who's involved?

Kathryn Hardy Bernal's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kathryn Hardy Bernal
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This campaign started on 13 Dec 2016 and ended on 31 Jan 2017.