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Alexi's Heart

on 19 Nov 2019

Ripu asks

Hi Margaret,

Just wondering the family is doing? I’m still happy to write the article if you are and tell this amazing story of bravery.

Give me a call on 027 278 5711.



Hi Ripu,

I have sent your message on. Sharon’s father has been in hospital for the last 9 days, so they are juggling a lot. Hopefully she will find time to call soon.

Thanks for your continued concern.

Margaret Muir
on 12 Nov 2019

Ripu asks


I’m Ripu, a journalist at Stuff.

I’m really sorry to hear about what Alexi and her family are going through.

She seems like a very brave and smacking girl!

If you like, I could write a story on this. It could help you get a lot more donations.

I would just need to speak to Alexi’s mum and dad.

Let me know if you are interested.

Kind regards,

Ripu Bhatia

Stuff Auckland reporter

027 278 5711


Hi Ripu,

I will give you a call.



Margaret Muir

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