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Alex's dream to become a top tennis player and inspire others

$2,231 donated
Given by 25 generous donors in around 6 months

My dream is to become a top tennis players and show other people with disabilities that anything is possible if you really want it.

Nelson / Tasman

It has always been my dream to become a top tennis player and show other young kids that no matter what life throws at you, anything can be achieved.

I was born with a small disability where I am missing half of my left arm. From a very young age I was fitted with a prosthetic arm and became involved with tennis. Tennis stole my heart and I began travelling and playing junior tournaments before I decided that I would like to attend Saint Mary's College (of California) in America on a tennis scholarship. This was a great experience playing against some of the top teams in the country and I feel that it's really given me a good feel for how tough it is going to be out there as a tennis professional.

I finished college in May and travelled to Germany where I will be based for the next couple of months, playing for a club and travelling to several ITF Futures events around Europe. I am currently 22 years old and I believe that now is my chance to move to the next level and really give this a big crack.

The costs of a tennis player travelling and playing these professional tournaments is immense and very tough on a family to support them.

With your help I would like to travel through Europe and play in as many of these tournaments as I can and try to gain an ITF ranking.

Any money raised from this page will be used to pay for travel expenses, accommodation, food, entry fees, shoes and stringing.

As I said earlier it would be a dream come true if I could not only make it for myself, but to fulfill my dream of inspiring other young kids around the world who might see me play.

Thanks for reading my page

Alex Hunt

Latest donations

Ciaran Lynch
Ciaran Lynch on 23 Nov 2016
Hi there Alex, I saw you on television because of the doubles marathon you were in at our Wilding Park centre which I watched some of courtside but missed it when you were playing there. The umpires said you were fantastic! I really hope you can make the most out of your tennis career and give much inspiration to others because it really is an eye opener to us, seeing someone like you giving a crack at something as difficult as pro tennis. Here's to many great years ahead, Alex, i hope to meet one day and maybe hit with you for ten minutes in person! Maybe you'll enter the Canterbury Open?! :-D good luck!! Ciaran
Alex Hunt

Thanks so much for the kind words and the donation! I will be at the Christchurch open this weekend - hope to meet you there and have a hit! Thanks again, Alex

Alex Hunt
Bruce on 19 Nov 2016
Cheers for the hit today with you and your brother at Wilding park. Best of luck with your tennis career!
Alex Hunt

Thanks so much! Good to meet you - see you this weekend mate

Alex Hunt
David Turnhout and Leanne Greep
David Turnhout and Leanne Greep on 19 Sep 2016
Hi Alex, sorry this has taken so long. It's not much but hopefully it helps.We have shown our kids your videos - very inspiring! Congrats on your achievements this far and look forward to watching your progress with keen interest. Cheers, David and Leanne
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Jul 2016
Ross and Sandy
Ross and Sandy on 03 Jul 2016
Go Alex, so proud of you :) :)

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Alex Hunt's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Alex Hunt
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This campaign started on 23 Jun 2016 and ended on 1 Jan 2017.