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Aloha Hawaii, help Hannah represent NZ in gymnastics

$3,220 of $10,000 goal
Given by 41 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help Dunedin Gymnast Hannah Pearce get to Hawaii to represent NZ in the Participation Tour

Dunedin, Otago

Hannah is my daughter she is only 15. She has been given an opportunity to head off to Hawaii in January to represent NZ in gymnastics. This is an incredible achievement for Hannah, as all the hard work and dedication in her training has paid off with gaining a top 8 placing while representing Otago at Nationals, this being her first ever Nationals she had competed at. Pretty incredible results really. Hannah will be competing in two competitions with her teammates at the Aloha Fest and the Gymnastics in Paradise competition. The cost to go is not cheap, we have just received the bill to pay for Hawaii and even though we have been fundraising we still need to raise over $9000 to pay for all the costs. It's a quick turnaround as the costings need to be paid by the 20th December 2022. I am not big on asking for money and i wouldn't put this through, but i have watched Hannah work really hard for this opportunity and it is her first ever time representing New Zealand. So help me get my talented daughter to Hawaii and achieve one of her biggest goals.

Sally Pearce's involvement (page creator)

Hannah is my daughter, and has proven to all that through hard work and dedication and determination in her chosen sport that all good things come in good time.

Use of funds

The trip costs include, accommodation, airfares, food, travel to and from competitions, Insurance, Gymnastics Registrations for both competitions, and for USA gymnastics Fees and extras.

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Latest update

Last Day  18 December 2022

Thank you to all that have donated we greatly appreciate everything. It has helped big time for funding Hannah's trip. Once again thank you from Hannah & Sally ❤️😊xx

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Andrew on 14 Dec 2022
Sally Pearce

Thank you so so much , love Hannah & Sally xx❤️😊

Sally Pearce
Ang on 14 Dec 2022
Such an amazing adventure for your wee lady to go on!
Sally Pearce

Thank you 😊 love Hannah & Sally xx

Sally Pearce
Steph on 11 Dec 2022
All the best.
Sally Pearce

Awe thank you Steph 😊 ❤️, Love Hannah & Sally

Sally Pearce
Heather & Michael
Heather & Michael on 10 Dec 2022
Good luck for the competition, Hannah. Best wishes Heather & Michael
Sally Pearce

Thank you so so much ❤️😘 love Hannah & Sally xxx

Sally Pearce
Abby on 10 Dec 2022
All the best Hannah.
Sally Pearce

Thank you Abby 😊 Love Hannah ❤️ xx

Sally Pearce

Who's involved?

Sally Pearce's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sally Pearce on behalf of Hannah Pearce my daughter
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This campaign started on 17 Nov 2022 and ended on 18 Dec 2022.