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My name is Alyssa please help me in achieving my goals in Gymnastics

$2,935 of $3,500 goal
Given by 22 generous donors in 9 weeks

Please help by supporting ALYSSA ROY 13 YEAR OLD, ARTISTIC GYMNAST, to train and compete in June 2015, in 3 top training centres in China.


I am a young talented 13 year old Gymnast and have been doing gymnastics for the past 7 years. I currently train up to 28 hours a week.

An extraordinary opportunity has arisen for me to compete and train, in 3 top Gymnastics Clubs in China, training alongside China’s National team.

I have put the hard work in for the last seven years, training up to 28 hours a week, enduring injury along the way, but still with the same goal in mind of reaching Olympic potential.

I have consistently achieved since I was placed in the International Development Programme back in 2011.

In 2011 I exceeded all expectations at my first international competition in Australia, and was named 2011 Australian National Clubs Champion.

In 2012, I placed 2nd All Around at the New Zealand National Championships, and did well again in Australia placing 3rd, All Around.

In 2013, I was the only Gymnast in New Zealand to compete in IDP8, and was awarded the NZ National Title. I went on to compete with a very talented group of girls at Australian National Clubs where I placed 1st on Beam and 3rd on floor on the first day.

2014 wasn’t a good year due to injury, which prevented me competing, but I still went to training every day to keep up my strength and conditioning.

With the opportunities ahead, I will take this in my stride, and push myself to extremities for 2015.


Travel Expenses, flights, accommodation, along with contributions towards Alyssa’s two coaches expenses (as these are self funded) approximate $3,500.

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AMAZING   1 April 2015

Thanks to Spark my Potential matching $ for $ starting yesterday, and of course my amazing, generous donors I have now reached 75% of my goal amount you all deserve a medal. Thank you.

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Latest donations

Matt and Gina
Matt and Gina on 09 Apr 2015
Good Luck :)
Alyssa Roy

Incredible support from HB Family, thank you so much Matt and Gina for helping me get to China. X

Alyssa Roy
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Apr 2015
Hope you meet your goals
Alyssa Roy

Thank you for supporting me in gymnastics

Alyssa Roy
Spark Foundation
Spark Foundation on 02 Apr 2015
Matched Donation
GymMom on 02 Apr 2015
Alyssa Roy

Thank you so much GymMom you have been such a supportive friend, thank you. X

Alyssa Roy
Spark Foundation
Spark Foundation on 01 Apr 2015
Matched Donation

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Alyssa Roy
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This campaign started on 8 Mar 2015 and ended on 15 May 2015.