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Amanda's fight for more time

  • Cycle 2 today !!

      17 September 2024
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    Cycle 2 today and I'm feeling pretty good following my Cycle 1 infusion. The drug was funded at the end of last week for HER2+ people. Unfortunately this is not me so the mission continues to fund this drug. Thankyou to everyone who has donated through my page or via cash donations. The love and support from everyone is very much appreciated. Many thanks Amanda ❤️

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  • Update 27th August 2024

      27 August 2024
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    Cycle 1 of treatment is underway. Thankyou to everyone that has donated and reached out to me with love and support. It really does mean so much. Much love Amanda ❤️

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    • 27/08/2024 by Angela

      You've got this mate! Thinking of you 😊