To Update You On Some Changes
2 July 2024Hi everyone, there have been some unexpected changes which we wanted to update you on. Unfortunately, Ange has been struggling with her health as a result of chemo and the immunotherapy treatments. She has had multiple hospital admissions due to almost zero immunity which create a whole range of problems. Her oncologist has directed her to stop the immunotherapy treatments (unfunded) as they are making her too unwell. Although this is not what Ange has wanted, there are positive results so far with chemo which is really great news. A BIG thank you to all those who have and continue to donate to this page. Although the treatment funds are no longer needed, this money goes towards the rising cost of living for Ange and her sons, holistic treatments and generally making life a little less stressful due to not being well enough to work. There is still a long way to go-halfway through chemo, then surgery and radiation. Ange continues this fierce battle to wellness for herself and her beautiful sons. Thank you again everyone I know Ange has been blown away by the genuine kindness of you all.
Maree x