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Pine Islands - Restoration & pest control in native forests

  • Funding timeframe extended

      7 September 2021

    Nothing to see here - just an admin update to keep the project fundraising page active.

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  • A big thank you!

      26 August 2021
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    I am so grateful to each of you that has helped me get this project off the ground and put the first 10 A24s from Goodnature on the ground. Please share the link to this givealittle page on your social media channels (if you use them) to help me spread the word further - I have big plans!

    Also, please be sure to follow me on Instagram (@skogs.mark) to stay up to date with the project as it progresses. You can follow the link here -

    I will post updates on this givealittle page from time to time, but Instagram is where I am most active, so please join me there!

    Again, thank you!

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  • Short film about bats in the project area

      2 June 2021
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    I have created a short video to support our fundraising efforts for the establishment of this field trial of auto resetting / remotely monitored predator traps in significant natural areas (e.g., remnant native forest) within production forests.

    I hope you enjoy it!

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  • A $1200 donation!

      2 June 2021
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    We are blessed to have received a private donation (i.e., not through givealitte) of $1200 to the project.

    Our total raised is now $1851 which is 37% of the way to our target of $5,000!

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  • A trail camera donation!

      12 May 2021
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    During a production forest visit with an investor last week the topic of predator control within areas of native bush came up. I was quick to espouse the virtue of taking decisive action in this space, rattling off all of the reasons why removal of possums and rats (as a start) is so fundamental to the contunued survival of these forest remnants. Not only did the discussion result in a pledge to support the project financially, but also a game camera to document proceedings!

    We are so greatful for the support of all of our donors, and look forward to sharing imagery from the camera soon! Be sure to follow @skogs.mark on instagram for updates!

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  • Trapline layout

      5 May 2021
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    A plan has now been completed for the placement of at least 8 AT220 auto resetting traps within the native forest remnant. As you can see in the done imagery overlay in the image below, all but one proposed trap location (location #2) can be mounted on a tree.

    Trap 5 is near a very large Matai, trap 6 is near a very large Kahikatea and trap 7 is near a grove of large Titoki trees. These trap locations will be the first to become operational.

    Servicing of traps will either be achieved by completing two short loops on foot from each end of the block (note the quad tracks to the west and east) or one longer loop from either end.

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