Raising funds for Ōtautahi Rabbit Rescue to Vaccinate and The SPCA to care for Rabbits.

$1,220 of $52,500 goal
Given by 33 generous donors in around 3 months

To engage a Barrister to take MPI to the Supreme court to fight the release of RHDV1a-k5 To protect our Pet Rabbits.


We, the New Zealand Rabbit facebook group are all concerned, that the release of a new Rabbit Haemorrhagic Virus called RHDV1a-k5 08Q712 which has been chosen for its virulence and ability to overcome natural immunity to RHDV1-V351, this also means it could overcome vaccine immunity.

A total of 130,000 Pet Rabbits at risk.

The death by RHDV1a-K5 is not painless, it is painful and cruel, pets can thrash around screaming.

Regrettably, we do not have the time or the funds to fight the ruling so as previously stated on this page, funds not required will go to the SPCA to support rabbits in need and rabbit rescue centres and $500 to Ōtautahi Christchurch Rabbit Rescue for vaccinations.

Use of funds

Use of funds will be to cover Barrister costs.

If funds are not required due to the ruling going in our favour funds will go to the SPCA to support rabbits in need and rabbit rescue centres.

If we do not get enough funds to cover Barrister cost we will liaise with legal representation and if there is nothing we can do then any funds received will go to the SPCA to benefit rabbits.

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Latest donations

Oreo and Thumper
Oreo and Thumper on 27 Feb 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Feb 2018
Sami Turnbull
Sami Turnbull on 27 Feb 2018
on behalf of Pocket, Cocoa and Layla
Holly on 27 Feb 2018
Tracy on 27 Feb 2018
Well done for getting this together

Who's involved?

Gary Stephenson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Gary Stephenson
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This campaign started on 15 Dec 2017 and ended on 15 Mar 2018.