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Taking Back our Beach film

$1,210 of $15,000 goal
Given by 19 generous donors in around 6 months

To pay TVNZ stock footage fees and other distribution costs so we can bring the film 'Taking Back our Beach' to NZ cinemas in October 2023.

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

When disaster strikes community rises!

We have made a feature documentary film 'Taking Back our Beach' that captures the heartfelt stories from the Bay of Plenty community who responded to New Zealand’s largest environmental disaster - the MV Rena hitting Astrolabe Reef (Ōtāiti) on October 5, 2011.

The film has screened in Auckland and Wellington as part of the Doc Edge Festival, and is available to view online until July 12, 2023 as part of the Doc Edge Virtual Cinema,

We need to raise funds to pay for TVNZ stock footage fees, distribution costs and also pay license fees for the film to be NZ cinemas and overseas which alone is $15,000.

We are asking for your help please to raise these funds as quickly as possible.

Those who donate (and provide us with their contact details if donating anonymously) will be invited to the premiere screening of 'Taking Back our Beach' on October 5, 2023 at United Cinemas, Bayfair, Mount Maunganui, and will have their names in the film credits.

Support this film that celebrated “the power of individuals to make change for good” - Interviewee Pin de Monchy

Thank you

Rosalie Liddle Crawford and Anton Steel

Use of funds

The money will go direct to pay the animator to recreate the little blue penguin scenes for the film 'Taking Back Our Beach'.

As well as stock footage fees, distribution costs and license fees

Latest update

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LIcensing the film to be shown in NZ cinemas and overseas  23 June 2023

We have a licence to use the TVNZ footage for the Doc Edge Festival but need to pay a further $15,000 to license the film to be shown in NZ cinemas and overseas.

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Latest donations

Bev on 09 Jul 2023
Congratulations on a fantastic achievement
Reena on 09 Jul 2023
Kim on 09 Jul 2023
Denice and Nan
Denice and Nan on 05 Jul 2023
Ōtāiti GP Limited

Thank you Denice and Nan! Looking forward to meeting you at the BOP premiere on October 5

Ōtāiti GP Limited
Larissa on 05 Jul 2023
Ōtāiti GP Limited

Thank you Larissa. It means so much having your support to bring this story to the big screen!

Ōtāiti GP Limited

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ōtāiti GP Limited (Business)
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This campaign started on 23 Mar 2023 and ended on 23 Sep 2023.