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Give Your History a Home: Support Nelson Provincial Museum's ARC Facility!

$5,353 of $115,000 goal
Given by 85 generous donors in around 9 months

Your history is at risk. Nelson Provincial Museum needs to build the ARC facility before it's too late. Help give your history a safe home.

Nelson / Tasman

When a storm threatens, our team use sandbags and plastic sheets to safeguard your heritage.

Our Isel Park research and collection storage facility in Stoke is on its last legs. The asbestos-filled roof leaks and the building is earthquake and flood prone, putting thousands of locally, nationally and globally-significant treasures at risk, including an extraordinary UNESCO-inscribed photography collection. Each precious item tells stories of people who helped make Nelson Tasman the place you love.

Our stories deserve better. That's why we have a plan to future-proof your history. Introducing the Archives, Research and Collection (ARC) Facility - a fit-for-purpose building designed to weather any storm. To be built in Church street, the ARC will safeguard your heritage, improve your access to the collection and add to the life of Nelson's CBD.

Half of our funding has been committed by the Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council and we have received a grant from Lotteries and funds from the Betts Trust, the McKee Trust and others. For the $7 million still needed we are applying for other grant funding, including the Ministry for Culture and Heritage's significant project fund.

Our Givealittle goal of $115,000 represents a dollar for every person living in the Nelson Tasman region.

We would greatly appreciate your support, whether a dollar, or an amount you feel you can afford - every contribution helps us towards our goal to survive the next storm in the Church Street ARC.

About us

Nelson Provincial Museum Pupuri Taonga o Te Tai Ao is governed by Tasman Bays Heritage Trust. The Trust was established in 2000 to administer the Museum as a regional heritage facility on behalf of the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council.

Use of funds

All donations will go towards building the Archives, Research and Collections (ARC) Facility in Church Street, central Nelson.

Latest update

Give Our History A Home   10 October 2024

Thank you so much for your support. We've extended our Givealittle campaign to help bring this must-do Nelson Tasman project over-the-line! Spread the word and help Nelson Provincial Museum give our history a home - the new ARC Facility.

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Latest donations

Jenny on 10 Dec 2024
June on 28 Nov 2024
One branch of my family emigrated to the Nelson district in 1841. This historical archive is so important for New Zealand
Jade on 24 Oct 2024
This museum is a testament to the rich history of Nelson and the Tasman region. I wish the project all the best, as history is critical in these times.
Tasman Bays Heritage Trust

Thank you so much Jade for your outstanding generosity and your help to give our history a home

Tasman Bays Heritage Trust
June on 24 Oct 2024
One branch of my family emigrated to the Nelson district in 1841. This historical archive is so important for New Zealand
Tasman Bays Heritage Trust

Thank you so much June, we absolutely agree

Tasman Bays Heritage Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Oct 2024
Tasman Bays Heritage Trust

Thank you so much for your support for this vital project

Tasman Bays Heritage Trust

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tasman Bays Heritage Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 11 Apr 2024 and ended on 10 Jan 2025.