Arlo 4 years old mauled by dog

$5,657 donated
Given by 140 generous donors in 10 days

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Hamilton, Waikato

Arlo was attacked by a dog Friday afternoon. The dog locked on after throwing him around like a rag doll. He had no chance with the very large dog even though his father, uncle and 15 year old brother were straight there. The attack took place in front of his 5 siblings and mother, Cassidy. He had to be stabilised in Tauranga and was airlifted to Hamilton hospital Saturday. He went to theatre at 12.00 and was as taken to ICU at 10 that night. They had 30 specialists in theatre all with different skills plus usual hospital staff. He is now recovering but the road will be very long the family needs support to get through this

Wayne Garner's involvement (page creator)

Grandfather to Arlo

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Supporting Arlo and family

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Arlo Update  2 July 2024

At this stage arlo is still in the high dependency unit, he has had another mri the other day to try and look for further damages which showed stress fractures in his neck and back along with the fracture in his leg, face and skull. The doctors say he is coming along really well and should be out of the high dependency unit later this week. He has had part of the cast on his leg removed yesterday to better examine the puncture wounds on his foot/leg. He still has a few surgerys is store for him with doctors needing to remove stitches around his eyes and another few procedure so he will still be in hospital for a while yet. He's in high spirits and is getting out of bed for rides around the hospital in his chair assisted by his parents, brothers and sisters. It's still a long road to go in recovery but every day seems to be a step in the right direction. We appreciate all the help and messages while we get through these hard times

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor 15 hours ago
Wishing Arlo well in his recovery. Will be very tough on Mum seeing her son go through this. I was glad to read the dog was taken and put down. You’ve done the right thing. Such a traumatic experience for you all, and hope you get enough to support in recovery for all. Hugs and thoughts from a stranger!
Ihipera 18 hours ago
hope your recovery’s goes well little man we all miss you 🩶
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 1 day ago
Beverley 1 day ago
Prayers for a darling wee boy.
Prue 3 days ago
Thinking of your boy Taniora. Prue NZLH

Who's involved?

Wayne Garner's avatar
Created by Wayne Garner
Cassidy Ruscoe's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Cassidy Ruscoe on behalf of Arlo and family
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This campaign started on 23 Jun 2024 and ends on 23 Dec 2024.