ASB Social Media Silence

$838 of $2,000 goal
Given by 43 generous donors in 4 weeks

ASB and St John have been working together since 2008. The partnership helps to expand support for St John services and deliver important p


When donations reach $2,000 ASB’s own social media accounts will be up for grabs. Once the total donation amount exceeds $2,000, everyone who donated will go into a draw to win the chance to take over ASB’s Twitter and Instagram accounts for one day.

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Latest update

Spending time at the St John Communication Centre  9 April 2014

Yesterday I spent some time with the talented people at the St John Northern Communication Centre. This is the call centre responsible for the Northern region of New Zealand and handles requests for St John services, including 111 emergency calls. To say it was an eye-opener would be an understatement. These dedicated men and women remain calm, professional and helpful while dealing with some truly intense situations. Aided by a state-of-the-art computer system that quickly establishes medical problems and dispatches vehicles, many calls only last for a couple of minutes before the St John operators have all the information they need to quickly get an ambulance to the scene. The operators work with a computer system that shows a live map with ambulance locations on it and uses sophisticated menus to categorise information and quickly send it to the crews on the ground (or in the air in the case of the rescue helicopters!). The set up was very impressive and the sheer number of calls I witnessed really drove home how important this money we're raising is. Please make sure you donate, as every dollar counts. You never know when you might need St John, but right now St John needs you.

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Lateisha Smith
Lateisha Smith on 10 Apr 2014
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Apr 2014
Good Luck ASB.
Anna C
Anna C on 09 Apr 2014
Great initiative by the ASB Social Team ... Hope you will cope ok Tenani!
Robbie M
Robbie M on 09 Apr 2014
Good luck with the fundraiser and great idea ... Tenani will learn some fantastic skills that may prove very valuable in the future
Lani French
Lani French on 09 Apr 2014

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, ASB
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This campaign started on 5 Apr 2014 and ended on 5 May 2014.