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Atarau Sanctuary: predator-free kiwi crèche and restoration project

$340 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in over a year

Atarau Sanctuary: support for our predator-free roroa crèche and forest restoration project

West Coast

Atarau Sanctuary provides predator-free sanctuary for Paparoa Wildlife Trust’s roroa / great spotted kiwi chicks, who are hatched at Willowbank Wildlife Reserve and then live in the sanctuary until they are old enough to fend for themselves out in the wild. While they are in our care, we observe and listen to them through passive bioacoustic monitoring to learn as much as we can.

Atarau Sanctuary is the first land-based pest-proof crèche specifically for kiwi in the South Island and the only facility in New Zealand for roroa to take sanctuary until they are big enough to head out into the world. Since opening in 2010, we have given sanctuary to 53 roroa chicks.

With an extensive planning programme in the sanctuary, and more land set aside for reforestation, we are also working towards long term and widespread regeneration of native forest.

The sanctuary is not open to the public, but we hold an open day each year and also host school group visits by arrangement.

We have set up our givealittle page in response to requests about donating to the sanctuary. Donations will be used to help cover the costs of supplies we need to run our planting program and monitor our resident roroa and other native species. Thank you for your interest in the sanctuary!

Use of funds

Donations will be used to help cover the cost of materials and consumable supplies used to maintain the crèche, expand native restoration plantings, and monitor roroa / great spotted kiwi and other native species that live in the sanctuary.

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Latest donations

April on 26 Feb 2022
Very proud of your work
Atarau Sanctuary

Thanks so much for your generous donation! We are currently welcoming new young roroa to the sanctuary and looking forward to watching them grow up over the next several months.

Atarau Sanctuary
Michelle on 09 Jul 2021
Jo on 09 Jul 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Jul 2021
Keep up the good work
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jul 2021
From Maddy

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Atarau Sanctuary (Business)
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This campaign started on 1 Jun 2021 and ended on 19 May 2023.