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Baby Bowie born at 24 weeks

  • 4 weeks old!

      28 August 2024
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    Baby Bowie has officially joined the 1kg club and is weighing in at 1.1433 kg!!

    He finishes his anti biotics today and there is no signs of infections in his lung secretions, which is a huge relief!!!

    He is still on high flow oxygen to inflate his lungs and he's been very unsettled for the last week and using more oxygen than before.

    Bowie is definitely a tiny but mighty fighter!!

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  • Grateful for our village!

      18 August 2024

    Thank you all so very much for all of your donations so far.

    Tim and I are not able to work at this time as we are splitting our time between Arlo and being in NICU with Bowie so every dollar helps hugely!

    Bowie is doing well the last few days. He is now on 6ml feeds hourly, he is off insulin and is resting and growing.

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    • 18/08/2024 by Colleen

      Hi my darlings xx I am praying 🙏 everyday for you both, for healing Mummy and strength to grow healthier lungs, for Bowie to breath life in and to be a little brother to play and enjoy his life with Arlo🙏😘 You are doing so well Jo, sad for your recent setback sweet x look after yourself, your boys need you x Love & prayers to you all xx Colleen ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘