$746 donated
Given by 11 generous donors in 21 days

Baby Lucas born at 26weeks ! To help family while so far from home.


Hello everyone far and wide !

We are here today to give help to the 2 most beautiful people you'll meet Dani and Michael !

On the 11th of September Daniela and Michael were flown upto Christchurch Womans Hospital from their home all the way in Mount Cook village at 9pm In a big rush as the contractions started to happen where they tried to slow down/stop Labour. Unfortunately nothing was going to stop their wee man from making his Grand entrance 12th Septemeber 9.38am 1110grams at only 26+1 Weeks gestation!

These next few months are going to be rough time for all 3 of them so far away from home and if we can lessen the hardship for them any way I know they would truely appreciate it alot.

The journey they are on now will be a long one and they may be away from home for a very very long time.

Thankyou everyone

Shea Swalley's involvement (page creator)

I am a neice wanting to help my aunty over these hard next few months

Use of funds

Funds will be given to help with anything Baby Lucas needs. To help His parents with all their needs so far from home. Also to help them get back and forth to Mount Cook where they live if needed and what not.

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Latest update

BABY LUCAS  24 September 2019


We thank everyone who has contributed at this point and are truely greatful.

Please can you all share the page around if possible.

Bless you all !

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Oct 2019
Jacob and Jonty
Jacob and Jonty on 28 Sep 2019
Keep on fighting wee man.
Kelvin on 25 Sep 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Sep 2019
Shah Family
Shah Family on 23 Sep 2019
All the best Lucas

Who's involved?

Shea Swalley's avatar
Created by Shea Swalley
Michael (Lucas's Dad)'s avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Michael (Lucas's Dad) on behalf of Baby Lucas
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2019 and ended on 6 Oct 2019.