Baby on the way and a battle with breast cancer

$18,108 of $12,000 goal
Given by 238 generous donors in around 6 months

At 33 years old Ellie was diagnosed with Grade 3 breast cancer and a day later discovered she and Jess were pregnant with their first child.


2020 has been a blimmin’ tough year for so many people, but Ellie and Jess have been dealt a really difficult hand. At only 33 years old (and during her final months of nursing training) Ellie found a lump in her breast and so went and had it checked. She was diagnosed after the second lock-down with Grade 3 breast cancer and rapidly underwent surgery. Ellie has been incredibly courageous over recent weeks - she graciously juggled having (and healing from) a double mastectomy whilst completing the final weeks of her nursing practicum and exams. But it's been exhausting and a huge challenge.

In the midst of all of this, they found out that Jess was pregnant with their first child. They had hoped Ellie would be stepping out into the workforce over the summer of 2020/21 to save a little nest-egg ahead of their precious baby arriving, but instead are facing months of intensive chemotherapy. Ellie and Jess need help to manage financially over the coming months with Ellie unable to work as she undergoes treatment and the baby being born next year. They are sublimely happy about the impending arrival of their tiny human but are struggling to reconcile having a reduced income; managing the inherent pressures of becoming new parents; and simultaneously battling breast cancer.

We want to make sure they are not starting their child’s life with the burden of a massive debt on their shoulders. I know there are so many of you that want to support these magnificent and kind humans, and giving really is the best way to do that.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties they are facing, Ellie and Jess are determined to keep their silly muscles alive, to laugh often, to stay positive and to give cancer the middle finger. If you have anything to give, we welcome any donations to support Ellie and Jess (and their new baby) get through the challenging months ahead and to live long, happy, loving lives together.

Georgia Bates' involvement (page creator)

Doing everything I can to awhi and hustle for my beautiful family (and their baby) to ensure they are supported through the immense challenges ahead.

Use of funds

Everything will go towards making sure that Ellie and Jess can cover rent and food, prepare for the baby, and keep their lives functioning for the time that Ellie is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.

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Latest donations

Adele on 10 Feb 2021
Thinking of you both and wishing great things x
Sara on 10 Feb 2021
Wishing you well during this immensely challenging time.
Louise on 08 Feb 2021
Sending you all my love Ellie & Jess. You’ll make it through. So much happiness and light ahead of you. xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jan 2021
Sheridan on 22 Jan 2021
Much love you three xx

Who's involved?

Georgia Bates's avatar
Created by Georgia Bates
Jess Bates's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jess Bates
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This campaign started on 10 Nov 2020 and ended on 10 May 2021.