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Waiting for Baby Noel Documentary

  • Outline for the Documentary: Waiting for Baby Noel

      15 November 2013

    Jared Noel is 30 years old. Hefs awaiting the arrival his daughter - due at the end of January, but getting to meet her is an on-going battle. Why?... Jared is dying. Having battled cancer for 4 year, Jared his plight continues. Itfs a story of courage, hope and endurance, and one that we need your help to tell. Four years ago when first diagnosed with bowel cancer, Jared was given a 40% chance of surviving till now. He and his wife Hannah, went from the bliss of a new marriage to the stark reality that Jared would not be here for much longer. Back then it was survival, rather than children that was at the forefront of their minds, but as their rays of hope were progressively extinguished, the raw truth began to sink in; Jaredfs most powerful legacy could be the birth of a child. A child who might never know her Dad. This documentary is the story of Jared, Hannah and little baby, itfs a story that is still being written, one of hope, endurance and a simple longing ?to hold his little baby in his arms before he goes. Having exhausted all surgical options for recovery, Jared is just entering his 70th round of chemotherapycthe prognosis isnft good, his medical team have told him without chemo he may not see Christmas. With the baby due in January, itfs a matter of holding out past the few months hefs been given in the hope of a single smile. Far from feeling bitter about his lot in life, Jared has a quiet confidence that God is present in all things and even in approaching death, somehow there might be opportunity for life to shine forth. When news of a new cancer drug reached them, the couple approached Pharmac, the New Zealand funding agency, about the possibility of Jared using Avastin, a drug that slows tumour growth; Not a cure, but something that just might help him meet the future with his single-minded desire fulfilled. Pharmac said no. The bitterness of that decision was quickly replaced by an incredible wave of joy as more than $160,000 was raised through the online website ? an astonishing result, with over $100,000 raised in just 48 hours! Now itfs a waiting game. Our team will be with the Noel family as Jared undergoes possibly his next round of treatment, funded by generous donations. Wefll be there as he tells the story of his journey and wefll be there when baby noel meets the world for the first time. We hope and pray Jared will be too.

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