Barrytown Settlers Hall consent, compliancy and legal costs

$4,655 donated
Given by 64 generous donors in around 7 months

The Barrytown Hall needs to raise funds for sound proofing to comply with Council regulations and gain resource consent

West Coast

The Barrytown Hall has been used for music regularly since 1929.

As the hall has had a recent official noise complaint to the council it has to apply for a resource consent. Part of the process is to hire a sound engineer to advise on soundproofing the hall.

To get the consent the hall needs thick fire proof baffle curtains in the ceiling and on some of the walls, it also needs better insulation on the window shutters and main door.

Without a consent the hall can no longer have any functions after 9pm. The currant low decibel level would probably prohibit people even talking loudly, this will undoubtedly throw the hall into disuse and it would no longer be suitable as a civil defence shelter or meeting post, school asset, community asset for weddings, funerals, social gatherings, ping pong and pool or it's historic use as a music venue.

The target of $5,000,00 has been agreed to.

Barrytown Hall Commitee's involvement (page creator)

I am a Barrytown Hall committee member and help promote the hall and book the bands that play at the hall. I also frequent the hall for its social and musical events. All donations go directly to the halls bank account.

Use of funds

Funds will be used to help pay for the consent, the engineer and the soundproofing as required.

The hall is also proposing an outside covered area away from the road for smokers. This should keep the roadside quieter for the neighbors.

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Latest update

Funding Target   17 June 2017

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the wonderful people and groups who have donated so far!!!

We think $5,000.00 is a great target and should cover all we need to do at this stage re sound proofing and consents.

If there is any extra it will be put to good use as the hall still needs a few other jobs done and being such a big building the quantity of materials makes it expensive despite so much generous professional mostly free help.

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Latest donations

Karin Robertson and Ian Calvert
Karin Robertson and Ian Calvert on 23 Dec 2017
Merry Christmas
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Dec 2017
Merry Christmas Mum and the lovely folks of Barrytown.
Christine on 05 Dec 2017
In lieu of Christmas gifts to my adult children and partners
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Oct 2017
We need more professional music venues like this. Thanks to all the volunteers who have put time into this wonderful hall. Past and present!
Greymouth Nurseries
Greymouth Nurseries on 05 Oct 2017

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Barrytown Hall Commitee (Group)
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This campaign started on 24 May 2017 and ended on 31 Dec 2017.