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Baxter and Luna Animal Rescue Rotorua

  • 6 Months

      14 July 2020

    We have been running Baxter and Luna now for just over 6 months. At the beginning we found people eager to help and donate but as the time has gone on we are finding it more difficult to get any fundraising going.

    We physically cannot afford to continue running our rescue without the community help.

    We are continuing to take in animals and sending them into foster homes most days, and we are often getting messages which we are having to refer elsewhere because we don't have the funds.

    We have made the decision that we will only be taking in reacues and continuing until the end of the year. It has put too much of a financial strain on us. We absolutely love doing what we do and we want to keep going but its impossible to keep supporting all these costs ourselves.

    We have rescued and rehomed almost 100 puppies and dogs since January, and every single one has impacted our lives and left their pawprint on our hearts.

    If however you have any ideas on fundraising or ways to support our vision we would love to hear from you.

    Recently someone that i follow online had a dream, they wanted to run a food trailer, their dream and vision was to buy a food trailer and kick srart their dream.

    They used a givealittle page and raised over $10,000 and their dream came true! Whilst I think its absolutely awesome that so many people backed and believed in them, I feel that these givealittle pages are more for people that NEED help.

    For example we set ours up to help support us in saving the many abandoned, lost and injured puppies and dogs in our community. There are many rescues in the same boat as we are, especially in the north island. Our ultimate dream is to bring some of the smaller rescues together and have one headquarters for us all. A place secure and sheltered for all the animals.

    With your help we could really make this work. Share far and wide and let's see where we can really take this. Their is a huge need for us rescues and a massive need for more education surrounding animal care, I would like to start by travelling around our local schools and give a short presentation to our Tamariki and explaining to them the importance or animal care and how much of a responsibility owning an animal is. Hopefully by doing this in the future we can stomp out backyard breeding and encourage desexing animals to become the norm.

    The donations we have received from the givealittle page so far have enabled us to purchase sheltered kenneling, help us put more pups into foster homes and gain trust and agility training. We have been able to buy additional blankets and toys and the donations have help towards paying off our vet bill. We still owe the vets around $1000 and we really need your help to get this paid off.

    Ngā Mihi


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