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Becs and Baby Dryland's journey of Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida

  • Homeward bound!

      27 July 2018
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    Ready, set, go!


    Becs and Moana- Rose are about to set off home to New Zealand this weekend.

    A quick stop in Christchurch and then they will be homeward bound and heading for Hokitika on Sunday.

    After more than four months staying in hospital / Ronald McDonald House in Australia, Becs is really looking forward to touching down in Aoteoroa and bringing Moana-Rose home to Hokitika.

    Once again Becs wishes to express her immense thanks for the countless gestures of kindness and well wishes from so many. This has been a wonderful successful journey filled with so much love and generosity which Becs is feeling so very appreciative of, and grateful for. She also feels very fortunate for all of the support and resources that have come together to make this fetal surgery possible.

    Huge appreciation to Ronald McDonald House and all of the wonderful staff and volunteers that make this facility available to so many. It has been a fabulous haven away from home during this time.

    Many moments have occurred that have touched the heart of Becs, and those around her, deeply. We all feel incredibly blessed to have been able to share in this experience with Becs and Moana-Rose.

    Thank you kindly for all your interest, good wishes and support and for sharing in this remarkable stage of Becs and baby Moana-Rose's life.

    It has been my great pleasure to share these updates with you all. I hope it has helpful or of interest to you also.

    I sincerely do wish that you are able catch up with Becs and cute wee Moana-Rose sometime soon :)

    Warmest regards

    Angelene xx

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    • 08/08/2018 by Issy

      hi i am so happy to have a new baby cosen

  • Precious wee bundle - Two weeks today!

      27 July 2018
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    A warm welcome to the latest update of Becs and Moana-Rose's wonderful journey.

    I'm very thrilled to share that both Mumma and Baby are thriving. Moana-Rose is two weeks in age today.

    Currently well set-up at Ronald McDonald House in Brisbane, they are both adjusting to their new routine of daily life together.

    As you may well imagine, Becs is a very attentive and loving mother. She seems to be really enjoying her wee bundle of joy! Lots of snuggles and cuddles day and night!

    Beautiful Moana-Rose is very settled; growing, feeding and sleeping well. She is showing great mobility and an abundance of health. The surgical wound on her back is healing nicely.

    Moana-Rose, Becs and myself hope to head home to NZ in about one weeks time following the last of the specialist appointments here in Brisbane. This will be just a few days after Moana-Rose's original due date of August 4th.

    Here's a link to a recent Mater Mothers Hospital article about Becs and Moana-Rose:

    What a superb successful journey this has been for Becs and Monana-Rose. They are off to a wonderful start in their life together.

    Thanks so much for your interest and for all your kindness, well wishes and support.

    Warm wishes to all xx

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  • Introducing Moana-Rose xx

      20 July 2018
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    It is with great love and happiness, that a very beautiful baby girl was welcomed into the world on Saturday 14th July.

    Moana-Rose Alpine Dryland.

    What a strong and resilient gorgeous wee girl you are! You have been through such a journey even before your birth.

    You are a truly remarkable girl! Resilient, tough and adaptable like all things that survive and thrive in alpine environments.

    The last few weeks of pregnancy continued to provide Becs with lots of uncertainty around Baby Dryland’s arrival plans with recurring increased bleeding episodes and increased uterine activity. Becs moved towards almost full bed rest in trying to make the goal of 37 weeks. She was so pleased with the passing of each day and to have made it without Baby Dryland arriving early.

    As Moana-Rose waited until 37 weeks to arrive (the maximum gestation following fetal surgery), the scheduled C-Section was able to be performed by Dr Gardener and Dr Lodge. This made for a very special time at delivery, both doctors have been instrumental in the care and support of Becs and Baby Dryland over the past three months.

    Moana-Rose weighed in at a robust 3270 g (7.2 lbs). She required only 15 minutes of breathing support at delivery. She spent her first few days in NICU, for monitoring and for IV fluids for a low blood glucose.

    Over the recent months since the surgery Becs and Moana-Rose have consistently achieved beyond doctor’s expectations. Since birth Moana-Rose has continued to do so, with uneventful days in NICU and before heading to the ward to be with Mum for a few days prior to discharge on 18th July. It was a big event for Becs to exit the hospital, after close to three months admission, with a beautiful baby in her arms.

    Becs and Mona-Rose are now staying at the nearby Ronald Mc Donald House, with follow up specialist appointments over the next two weeks. The plan is to then head home as soon as possible.

    Becs and Moana-Rose will likely stay in Christchurch for follow up at Christchurch Hospital, before the final leg home to Hokitika.

    Outcomes from the spina bifida surgery have again and again shown positive results as Moana-Rose has grown and developed so well in-utero whilst also healing from her surgery. Her wound is healing well, she has good movement of her legs and feet and head and kidney scans were ‘unremarkable’. Instead of needing to have surgery straight after birth to close the hole in her spine, and/or for shunting, Moana-Rose has been able to be picked up, held, fed and cared for by her Mum, like most new-born babies. This has been made possible by having the opportunity for fetal surgery. These are all fantastic outcomes and are setting Moana-Rose off to a great start in life.

    Becs is feeling so fortunate to have had the opportunity of fetal surgery and such strong support from so many. This has already made a huge positive impact on Moana-Rose’s life. Becs wishes to express her immense gratitude and thanks to all those that have been involved in the journey of Moana-Rose.

    Thanks to Dr Gardener, his wonderful team and the countless others who have contributed to this remarkable journey of successful events and the safe arrival of Moana-Rose.

    Becs and her medical and nursing teams, along with her support people and so many generous donors have done a sensational job of doing all possible to give Moana-Rose the very best start in life.

    Such a wonderful journey filled with an abundance of kindness, well wishes and support from people all across the globe. Heartfelt thanks to everyone for all your well wishes, kindness and generous support.

    We hope you get the chance to meet Moana-Rose sometime soon!

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  • 36 weeks tomorrow

      5 July 2018
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    It has been a roller coaster of a week for Becs, with two major occurrences of almost being wheeled off to theatre for baby's imminent arrival.... then not.

    Much to Becs relief each bleeding episode settled just in the nick of time, before surgery was confirmed. However, the severity of each episode has been increasing each time over the past week.

    On Tuesday, increased and persistent bleeding resulted in doctors beginning to prepare Becs for a C-section delivery. Saturday evening last week, was a similar situation. On both occasions, the bleeding eventually eased and delivery was put on hold. Medical interventions over these episodes, has stepped up as Baby Dryland looks ready to arrive. IV fluids, nil by mouth, blood tests, continuous CTG (baby and uterus monitoring) and a top up dose of steroids to help Baby Dryland’s lung development.

    Although Baby Dryland is now at a good gestation, as far as reduced pre term complications. Every day growing in-utero, allows for important growth and development in baby's lungs and brain. This continues to be important over the coming week. Every day is appreciated.

    Baby Dryland appears to be very settled and well in all checks – excellent.

    Growth scan of Baby Dryland on Monday 25th June - 2855 g / 6lb 5 ozs - baby is growing super well.

    Becs is really touched by all the support, well wishes and letters. She has had some lovely visits from friends and family during her time in hospital. Last week she really enjoyed a visit from two other mothers and their babies who have all undergone fetal surgery for spina bifida in Australia. These wonderful women, have been a great support to Becs and it was very special occasion for them to meet up.

    A few days ago, our sister Emma arrived to Brisbane to be with Becs for a time. Kat and her boys made a swift return to Brisbane from Airlie beach, on Tuesday when it seemed that baby was about to arrive. They will stay for the next while also.

    Once again Becs wishes to pass on her thankfulness and appreciation for all the kindness and support.

    We are all looking forward to meeting Baby Dryland next week Saturday, 14th July … Or sooner!

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  • 34 weeks today!

      23 June 2018
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    A fabulous goal reached today... 34 weeks!

    It gives me great pleasure to share that Becs and baby continue to both do very well. It's so marvelous that seven weeks after her 'waters broke' (PPROM) both Becs and Baby Dryland are thriving and drawing closer to an optimal delivery date with each day.

    Becs wants to pass on her warm thanks for all of your good wishes and kindness. It is of great benefit and comfort to Becs to have so many wonderful people sharing this journey with her and her baby.

    Today, Baby Dryland moves into the 'late pre-term stage' (34-37 weeks) and we now know for sure that baby will be delivered sometime within the next three weeks.

    Following fetal surgery, babies need to be delivered by C-section no later than 37 weeks to avoid further complications.

    So it is very exciting for Becs that Doctor Gardener and his team recently started talking about the 37 week mark as a realistic possibility. Until now this has seemed to the team and Becs as a very distant hope, rather than a real possibility. Having the date set for delivery at 37 weeks is an exciting stage. Providing Baby Dryland doesn't choose to come sooner, a C-section is booked for:

    *** Saturday 14th July ***

    Exactly 3 weeks from today!

    Becs is gently walking about her room and ward and is wheel-chaired out to the terrace to enjoy the Queensland sunshine and fresh air, when she can catch a lift.

    Weekly scan once again has shown positive results:

    - Baby's head shape looks even better than last week

    - Ventricles still slightly enlarged yet minimal change

    - Calf muscles are visible on baby's legs - an excellent indicator regarding movement

    This has been a bit of a roller coaster week for Becs, with some episodes of bleeding coming and going. Fortunately it has been settled quickly each time and baby shows all signs of being very settled and happy. She is in great hands at Mater Mothers Hospital and her care team are exceptional.

    Six weeks of high dose antibiotics has been ceased this week - one less intervention required.

    Kat and Hamish and boys are with Becs this week, and staying at the wonderful Ronald McDonald House, Brisbane.

    Becs is very grateful for everyone's support and generosity from all over.

    Thanks so much for your interest and care.

    until next week...

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    • 03/07/2018 by Issy

      hi hope every thing is going ok love you aunty bex,from isabella

  • 32 weeks and 5 days - one week closer to 37!

      13 June 2018
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    Another week has passed and all is going so well!

    Becs is feeling amazed and fortunate that Baby Dryland seems very happy to stay in. She wishes to pass on her great thanks for all of the kind messages, support and generosity that has been shown. It is hugely appreciated.

    Daily monitoring on the CTG (monitoring of baby's heart rate and pattern, and uterus activity) are all looking like a very 'happy baby' is inside.

    Becs's wound is healing really well, and with no sign of infection or contractions everything is going along beautifully.

    Monday's scan showed Baby Dryland has had 'high achieving' growth of 500g in the past fortnight, now with weight of 2320g (5lb 2oz).

    The scan also showed Baby Dryland's cerebellum is now almost a 'normal' shape - fantastic! Thanks to the surgery closing off the 'leak' in cerebral spinal fluid, the pressure in Baby Dryland's brain should now be more 'normal'. Allowing the cerebellum to bounce back to where it belongs in the base of the brain, rather than getting pulled down into the spinal column as it was pre-surgery.

    The ventricles in Baby Dryland's brain have grown in size since last week (not such a great thing), yet this can be expected with spina bifida and post surgery, as pressure in the brain changes.

    Mum has been a great help to Becs over the past month here in Brisbane. Our sister Kat and her two small boys have once more come down from Airlie Beach to be with Becs for a time.

    Thanks again from Becs for all the wonderful support, kind messages, well wishes and generosity.

    Here's a link to an article of Becs's surgeon Dr Gardener who was nominated for the 2018 Queensland, Australian of the year for his pioneering work in Maternal Fetal Medicine and in-utero fetal surgery.

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  • 31 weeks and 5 days of Baby Growing!

      6 June 2018
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    Wow! Such an immense amount of well wishes, kind messages and so many generous contributions. Thank you to all.

    Becs wants to pass on her heartfelt thanks and gratefulness for all the support she has been offered in so many ways. She is so appreciative and is feeling touched by so much kindness from all across the globe.

    What a special baby and Mum they both are, so many people are holding Becs and Baby Dryland in their thoughts and hearts. It's just wonderful!

    It has now been over four weeks since Becs was admitted with PPROM and everything is going extremely well. Baby Dryland is still in, growing and moving about lots. The Doctors are really pleased with the progress, and also of Becs's and Baby Drylands stable condition. There has been lots of belly growing going on for Becs and she definitely looks pregnant now!

    The next significant milestone of 32 weeks is quickly approaching. The risk of pre term complications for Baby Dryland, is decreasing every day. Becs is feeling very fortunate that there has been so much 'bonus' time of baby growing, since her membranes ruptured. Outcomes for Baby Dryland are looking so much better than at 27 weeks.

    Thanks so much for the huge heartwarming amount of support, encouragement, kind words and gestures.

    Warmest xx


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    • 08/06/2018 by Issy

      hi this is issy I love you aunty bex

  • 30 weeks

      28 May 2018
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    Thanks so much for all of the good wishes, kind messages and generous donations.

    Becs continues to do really well in Mater Hospital. Baby Dryland is doing lots of moving about inside and growing well. Becs's condition is stable with no signs of contractions / infections and her belly is growing fast!

    It is such a wonderful achievement to have reached 30 weeks. Now, it just remains for Baby Dryland to continue to stay happily inside for as long as possible.... continuing towards the goal of 37 weeks!

    Recent tests show there is no sign of gestational diabetes, which is a great relief to Becs. Baby Dryland has been growing so well it was thought that this may have been a type of 'false growth' due to the presence of diabeties. So it was great news last week, to have confirmed that Baby Dryland is having excellent 'real' growth.

    A small bleed on Tuesday, doctors think it was an edge of the placenta separating as the uterus shrinks and expands with the now changing volume of amniotic fluid due to ruptured membrane (PPROM). There is a chance this could progress to a larger separation of placenta and the onset of labour. Fortunately it has settled and no further problems.

    Becs has had a rotation of various family members supporting her in Brisbane. At this time our Mum (from NZ) and sister Kat with her two small boys (from Airlie Beach, Australia) are with her. Everything is going really well.

    Becs is so very appreciative of all the support and well wishes. Heartfelt thanks to all.

    Below are a few links to interesting stories on families with spina bifida if you missed them on the main page.

    Australian Story: An Australian family’s heart-touching spina bifida journey

    Seven Sharp: Catherine Harper, the first Kiwi mum to undergo fetal surgery for spina bifida

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    • 29/05/2018 by Jen

      Thanks so much for setting this page up Ange, and for the updates. The distance between Brisbane and here seems huge right now, we'd love so much to be able to be there and are very grateful to the people who are there supporting Becs. Lots of love to all of you.