Our beloved dad needs your help in fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer

$1,620 of $30,000 goal
Given by 17 generous donors in 6 weeks

We're reaching out to people with kind hearts to help my dad fight stage 4 pancreatic cancer and to extend his life.


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Wilfredo Tanghal, 59 y.o., a father of 3 sons, and my dad.

He was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer on July this year (2022). It did not have any signs or symptoms during its early stages. It was not until he felt recurring severe abdominal pain, that we sent him for a CT scan and we found that he has a pancreatic tail cancer. At this point, it had already spread to his lungs and stomach and now it continues to spread to his liver and other organs. The pain was so excruciating he couldn't go to sleep unless he takes 30mg of Morphine every 12 hours for pain relief. It breaks our hearts to see him suffer. It requires a great effort from him to even eat or drink a little because the tumour is adding pressure on his stomach.

The oncologist said that he can't undergo chemotherapy any more as the chance of survival is very low and it will do more harm than good in his current condition, but he has better chances with immunotherapy.

However, immunotherapy is a tall order for us, as we are already in a very tight financial situation. It costs NZ$5000/session, every 3 weeks.

We want to extend our father's life. We want him to see the fruit of his hard work, to see us three well and having a hopeful future. We sincerely appeal to your generous heart and kindness. We know that you have your own burdens to carry and we appreciate your time in reading this far. We'd appreciate any amount and we are grateful for your support.

Ramesh Tanghal's involvement (page creator)

He's my dad.

Use of funds

Cancer treatment - Immunotherapy (Pembrolizumab)

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Nov 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Oct 2022
Malou on 12 Oct 2022
JR on 11 Oct 2022
Praying for your Father's healing Ram.
Emz Fabro
Emz Fabro on 11 Oct 2022
Our prayers po...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Ramesh Tanghal's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ramesh Tanghal on behalf of Wilfredo Tanghal
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This campaign started on 3 Oct 2022 and ended on 19 Nov 2022.